Sniper Scope X-Hair
Created 26th August 2009 @ 15:30
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kind of off topic a little but what would be the benefit of doing this? Is it something which some people would just prefer, like switching view models off?
kind of off topic a little but what would be the benefit of doing this? Is it something which some people would just prefer, like switching view models off?
yea. personal taste, I guess.
edit: its kinda stupid to have 2 xhairs tho.
Last edited by Morty,
In case anyone is still interested…
// Allows you to hide crosshair while scoped with sniper rifle
alias hidexhair "crosshair 0; cl_crosshair_scale 0"
alias showxhair "crosshair 1; cl_crosshair_scale 32" // If you use a custom crosshair change the scale to what you use, 32 is the middle of the slider in multiplayer options
alias +attzoom "+attack"
alias -attzoom "-attack; fixscope"
alias +zoomin "+attack2"
alias -zoomin "-attack2; hidexhair; alias +scope +zoomout; alias -scope -zoomout"
alias +zoomout "+attack2"
alias -zoomout "-attack2; fixscope"
alias fixscope "showxhair; alias +scope +zoomin; alias -scope -zoomin"
alias _lastinv "lastinv; fixscope"
alias _slot2 "slot2; fixscope"
alias _slot3 "slot3; fixscope"
alias _invprev "invprev; fixscope"
alias _invnext "invnext; fixscope"
bind mouse1 +attzoom // If you enabled 'rezoom when firing a scoped shot' in multiplayer options bind this to +attack instead
bind mouse2 +scope // Make a toggle if you don't want this to affect the huntsman
bind q _lastinv
bind 2 _slot2
bind 3 _slot3
bind mwheelup _invprev
bind mwheeldon _invnext
(code tags not working… it only puts the first line as code, not the rest :/)
Last edited by 2k,
In case anyone is still interested…
// Allows you to hide crosshair while scoped with sniper rifle
alias hidexhair “crosshair 0; cl_crosshair_scale 0”
alias showxhair “crosshair 1; cl_crosshair_scale 32” // If you use a custom crosshair change the scale to what you use, 32 is the middle of the slider in multiplayer optionsalias +attzoom “+attack”
alias -attzoom “-attack; fixscope”alias +zoomin “+attack2”
alias -zoomin “-attack2; hidexhair; alias +scope +zoomout; alias -scope -zoomout”
alias +zoomout “+attack2”
alias -zoomout “-attack2; fixscope”alias fixscope “showxhair; alias +scope +zoomin; alias -scope -zoomin”
alias _lastinv “lastinv; fixscope”
alias _slot2 “slot2; fixscope”
alias _slot3 “slot3; fixscope”
alias _invprev “invprev; fixscope”
alias _invnext “invnext; fixscope”bind mouse1 +attzoom // If you enabled ‘rezoom when firing a scoped shot’ in multiplayer options bind this to +attack instead
bind mouse2 +scope // Make a toggle if you don’t want this to affect the huntsman
bind q _lastinv
bind 2 _slot2
bind 3 _slot3
bind mwheelup _invprev
bind mwheeldon _invnext(code tags not working… it only puts the first line as code, not the rest :/)
thanks! ill test this later tonight! :D
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