
Gullywash to primary map pool [VOTE (inofficial)]

Created 16th July 2009 @ 18:14

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Sorry to disappoint you by only nominating this one, but we really have played the ETF2L mapping competition maps and some other maps (yes, we have played yukon for example) in our gather. This gullywash is the only map which could really stand in and compete with badlands or granary.

I respectfully disagree. Yukon, Follower, and Gullywash are all perfectly suited for 6v6.
Outlaw, fool_hill and Hillside showed huge potential as well, until they stopped being updated.

It’s easy for you to say that Gullywash is the only map to compete with grainlands. The reason that you find Gullywash the most qualified is because it’s currently in RC8. One of the biggest reasons Gullywash is so popular and polished is that Arnold took a few hours of his time to 1) play pickups in his map and 2) Run through the server afterwards with 5 or 6 other guys discussing tweaks, strategies, etc. It just goes to show what a little bit of extra effort on the part of the mapmaker AND the community can produce.

I’m not saying you’re wrong about Gullywash’s merits, I’m just a little pissed that half a dozen other amazing maps are being left out in the cold.

No one knows how many good maps there are out there… the leagues need to enforce their usage so people will understand

Quoted for some mutha effin’ truth. People really don’t know what they’re missing.

Mapping for pubbers will always be more fun, more rewarding, see more playtime, get more compliments, and receive more thorough playtesting. Way to drop the ball as a community…

While you could have been a little more diplomatic, Mangy, I understand your sentiments.
It’s ironic that the community’s 6v6 format is based heavily around 2 maps which were originally optimized for PUBLIC, 12v12 play. Meanwhile, mappers with design goals for 6v6 who work hard, tweak sections of the map endlessly and even beg for input are left out to dry.

I hope those 170 hours weren’t a TOTAL waste, Mangy. Yukon was well received in the USA, and it even appeared as an answer in the crossword on the TF2 blog, so I wouldn’t give up hope yet. (Oh, and btw: Keep the mid cap below the bridge for rc5, thx :D )

The map contest was a brilliant move, and f2: I personally thank you for doing all you could to add longevity to one of the most amazing FPS games ever created. It’s a shame that technical difficulties and player apathy hindered the contest. Still, with the FB summer cup coming up, I see a bright future on the horizon.

Speaking of the Summercup, I’d say wait until that is concluded before adding any new maps to the primary pool. So my vote is for option C.

Anyways, I’ve whined and BBBAAAAAWWWWWEEED enough about playtest maps, so I’ll stfu now.


I spent a lot of time polishing up Yukon this week. I believe everyone will like it more when the next iteration comes out. The point IS back down on the ground btw ;)


I spent a lot of time polishing up Yukon this week. I believe everyone will like it more when the next iteration comes out. The point IS back down on the ground btw ;)

Awesome news.




Also please somebody add this map to the pug channels along with follower



I spent a lot of time polishing up Yukon this week. I believe everyone will like it more when the next iteration comes out. The point IS back down on the ground btw ;)



I think i agree the CURRENTLY gullywash is the only map that could challenge granlands and its not even finished yet…

But then again not many of the other (if any) are fully finished either? So why not test them ASWELL and help them get to the same standard as gullywash.

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