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Pickups: Feature requests

Created 6th July 2009 @ 19:42

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Quoted from Nigh

servers would need a logadress to a daemon.

I think someone just learnt how HLX:CE works. :P


Quoted from Akasazh

Maybe add a feature that lets you use say a /sub [class] [Team not found] command in the tf2 chatbox that lets the bot announce a ‘sub needed *class* *team* *server* *time remaining* string.

People could be able to respond with !sub in the chan. And maybe could respond back to server chat ‘sub coming *playername*’

That way people dont need to alt-tab to get a sub, the bot could keep repeating the string for as long as its not filled, people on the server would know what the status is on the sub. Furthermore this would enabe stats being kept on subs.

That’s how gather-network (international cs1.6 gather channel network com thing) has been working for years. And doesn’t have any problems. Only thing is , it might require more bots on the channel. Like bot1 , bot2 etc. Otherwise it’ll just crash




Be patient, something will be happening : >




yeah !!@!@!@@!

I just read this http://forums.krus.dk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=21 and i think it is really sad to implement those changes. I dont want to go back to pickup1 and i’m sure lots of people feel the same way.

I think you should leave the pickup channels the way they are and then create a new channel with these requirements.

Last edited by dusty,



No, all F2 is doing is making the channel the way it was meant to be in the first place



sounds good



Quoted from blind

No, all F2 is doing is making the channel the way it was meant to be in the first place

what? elitist? never! :/



While it does sound elitist, we all see what happens when rules like that dont exist. People brought it on themselves



but theres 600 ppl not playing as it is. so now there will be less ppl not playing :D

Quoted from dusty

I just read this http://forums.krus.dk/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=21 and i think it is really sad to implement those changes. I dont want to go back to pickup1 and i’m sure lots of people feel the same way.

I think you should leave the pickup channels the way they are and then create a new channel with these requirements.

So this is how pu2 is going to be? Those of us who aren’t Div3/2/1 can just fuck off to pu1?



Unless you’re a div 4 medic who is willing to be a heal bot ;) Then you are ok.

Maybe this will boost pickup 1 by picking up the decent players from the lower 80% of etf2l.
(Divs 1-3 = 70 teams out of 330 = 21%)


How about clanless people? And maybe do something like players that are in div4 team should play medic-offclass with like 1-1. It’s kinda stupid let play players that are in div 1-3 team only. There are top div4 teams that are much better than low div3 ,and blocking any way they could play ‘normal’ game for fun is a bit harsh.

Last edited by dauk,

Assault Marine Sigh

I agree with the changes actually. Its just a shame im in div4 haha.

But I do think leaving div4 meds in is a bit shit. Its like a load of div3+ players came along said ‘but we wont have enough meds’ so they let the medics in, so they can play.


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