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Gaming mice, wich ones to recommend?

Created 9th July 2008 @ 23:20

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As Byte said, it’s pretty impossible to say the one specific mouse is the best there is.

For me the choice was pretty easy, is was on a bit of a tight budget + I’m lefthanded. So that basically only leaves Razer mice available. I got myself a Diamondback 3G, I must say it has a great performance (and looks ^^).
However seeing that it’s my first “gaming” mouse, I can’t compare to other models.


razer deathadder .. best iv ever had (and i come from a long range of logitech)


Thanks guys, (Especially you Byte)
This really helps alot. :)
I’m certainly going to check the local stores for the MX and see if they have any Razers.. Thanks guys!




I use one of those plastic things with a cord attached to them, which you then plug into your computer to make your cursor move.


Logitech MX518 or Razer Deathadder.

Used both for over a year each, currently using MX518 and personally find it to be the best gaming mouse available right now. I’ve tried a LOT of different mice, and these two stand out the most.

Both have optical sensors with infalliable consistency and perfect tracking, it is literally impossible to make them skip. If you play scout or have a “flick shot” style in gaming this is a factor to consider, particularly if you play with low sens because many mice have issues with negative acceleration and skipping when moved faster than the tracking range of their sensor.

I stay away from laser mice personally due to this, although there are a couple expensive ones that don’t suffer from these issues. Leading on, both mice are relatively cheap in comparison to other gaming mice and will give you excellent value for money.

On the DPI front, don’t fall for the trap of simply buying the mouse with the highest DPI. It is little more than a marketing scam. You will NEVER need anything over 1800 dpi, even as an ultra high sens gamer, and if you are a low sens player, even 1800dpi can be a joke. Laser mice tend to promote higher DPI values than optical mice but the vast majority suffer from tracking and skipping issues at max/close to max DPI.

Many professional gamers use mice with DPI set as low as 400. You literally will not notice any statistically significant impact on accuracy by raising DPI on your mouse, in fact more likely the opposite. Very high DPI such as 2500-4000DPI will make your mouse rediculously sensitive as a drawback, the only fix being to reduce your windows sensitivity to first or second bar to compensate, and will offer no benefits in gaming.

MX518 has a more ergonomically friendly shape making it easier to hold comfortably, and weighs slightly more than the DA.

If you decide to go logitech, MX518 is the way to go. NEVER buy a cordless mouse for gaming. G5 is also inferior despite being almost exactly the same shape as the MX518. If Razer, personally I reccomend the DA, and even though it isn’t as ergonomically shaped as the MX518, it’s by far the best shaped Razer mouse they sell. NEVER buy a Razer Lachesis you will use it once and never again. Personally I think Habu’s are also average at best but its mainly a matter of personal preference and if Byte’s sicko aim is anything to go by, it may not be THAT bad :D


Deathadder is good for both high and low sens.

Bizarre Inc.


I love my G5, most comfortable mouse I’ve used, though I find Setpoint really buggy with TF2. Really you can play well with any mouse/keyboard combo. If you read the recent interview with wotr^byte on cadred, he got to a high level using some cheap generic MS mouse and keyboard. Just get one you like the look of and feels comfortable and play as much as possible with it.


I used a MX518 for several years now really pleases me.



I can really recommend the mouse I use, the Steelseries Ikari optical mouse.
The precision and contact with the mousepad is perfect (I use this together with a Steelseries Icemat I-2 (glass)).
The shape is also very comfortable for the hand (at least my hand..). There is a place both for the thumb and the ring finger to rest.

Of course it is very much up to you to decide what is comfortable or not. Go to a computer store and test how different mice fits and feels in your hand.



im using a Razer Deathadder, it works fine (until today when mouse 2 wasnt working when i was spawncamping :() it really fits your hand, its kind of universal, but personal at the same time. i really love the deathadder and would never change it to anything else, thats my recomendation.

the best thing though, would be if you could try some mice, feel how they are, maybe play some with them.


Logitech MX518. Great shape, on-the-fly sens changing, …. :) Been using it for about 2.5 years now I believe, great mouse.


Tbh i have never gone wrong with a G5, had mine for about 2 years now and its still working fine. Logitech all the way!


RaWr ::

There is no definitive answer for ‘The Best Gaming Mouse’, it’s what suits you as a person, this includes, hand size, preferred sensitivity, game style, what game you play and what type of surfaces and mice you’ve used the most. Even after taking all these into consideration you may well still end up purchasing a mouse which doesn’t suit you at all, however like all mice it’s only a matter of time for you to become accustomed to it. I used a Microsoft 3.0 Intellimouse with no mouse mat for well over 5 years, even re-purchasing the exact same mouse when it broke, mainly due to raging and slamming it onto my desk, I have to say a nice spongy cloth mouse mat has saved me a lot of money over the last year. When i brought my new Razer Lachesis about 8 months ago, I hated it, getting used to a lazer mouse after using a optical one for so long was hard to adjust to, however after a month It improved my game, i guess what i’m trying to say is, don’t expect a mouse to immediately improve your aim, in fact the majority of the time it does the complete opposite for the first week or two, pending on how often you play, it’ll take time to adjust to but once you do, you should be back ‘on form’ as it where.

Personally my preferred mouse would be pretty much any Razer mouse, there reliable, smooth, good looking compared to some other bulky mice out there, come with other peripherals which enhance your mice. A while back I was at the ‘Omega Sektor’ in Birmingham as I live quite close, they used the Razer Diamondback 3G with the Razer Mantis Control, if i remember correctly, I was still using my Microsoft Intellimouse at the time, I found the Diamondback so easy to adjust to and it’s a great mouse as a whole, thats when i decided to get my Lachesis, like I said I was disappointed at first, it took me a good month to get used to the mouse but now I can safely say its a good mouse to use.

What ever mouse you buy, choose what YOU think will suite YOU as a gamer and to be honest don’t let anyones ‘biased’ opinions affect your decisions, read reviews weigh up the ups and downs of the mice and figure out which ups and downs will effect you the most, stick with your decision and even if you think the mouse is a pile of shit, you’ll adjust to it after a while anyway.

Thanks, BOOMting :]



What boomting meant to say is get the razer deathadder :]

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