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m0rehud and configs

Created 31st May 2009 @ 02:34

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1. The classmenu. The old one has the benefit that it tells how many people are already playing a specific class.

The new version of the class menu lets you see that too, a little number to the right I think

Actually, when I looked closer, I now saw the numbers :) The reason, however, that I didn’t see them is that the numbers are very hard to see when they’re outside of the white box. Picture: http://pici.se/pictures/KQueUxsrI.jpg


1. The classmenu. The old one has the benefit that it tells how many people are already playing a specific class.

The new version of the class menu lets you see that too, a little number to the right I think

Actually, when I looked closer, I now saw the numbers :) The reason, however, that I didn’t see them is that the numbers are very hard to see when they’re outside of the white box. Picture: http://pici.se/pictures/KQueUxsrI.jpg

what resolution are you using at your game? i believe 1366×768, it’s ~16:9 resolution and my hud is optimized for 16:10, i’ll upload 16:9 for you guys tomorrow. now im off to sleep. 16:9 up now.



1. The classmenu. The old one has the benefit that it tells how many people are already playing a specific class.

The new version of the class menu lets you see that too, a little number to the right I think

Actually, when I looked closer, I now saw the numbers :) The reason, however, that I didn’t see them is that the numbers are very hard to see when they’re outside of the white box. Picture: http://pici.se/pictures/KQueUxsrI.jpg

what resolution are you using at your game? i believe 1366×768, it’s ~16:9 resolution and my hud is optimized for 16:10, i’ll upload 16:9 for you guys tomorrow. now im off to sleep.

Yep, 1366×768 it is. A 16:9 version would be awesome!


~16:9 so it’s not pure 16:9 if you have pure 16:9 reso then the bars will be bit off centered but not as much as with 16:10. -> http://more.pp.fi/tf2/hud/m0rehud16:9.rar


My “mini-compo” is now closed, and I’ve selected a winner. Details will be posted on the main page — if nothing else, the winner will contacted in person (please accept my steam-friends request :D).


thx m0re <3

edit: http://www.picamatic.com/view/3847470_m0re/ thats on 16:9.


thx m0re <3

edit: http://www.picamatic.com/view/3847470_m0re/ thats on 16:9.

oh cmoon ppl, this has been said like 8 times now – CL_HUD_MINMODE 0 . and it’s even on my 1st post, and its in readme.txt. wakeup ppl.


Thanks for the great hud :D



hail m0re! *____* the hud is awesome, even on 1024×768 AND the configs gave me a total boost of 30fps in the middlefight <3 no more 10 fps middlefight :D



the hud rocks, I can’t play without it now :p

thanks a lot!

maybe I will try the configs too, although I already have 80-90 fps middel fight so I dont know if I really need it.



The hud is awesome and the cfg too!!!

thank you so much :D

imho more for player of the week on etf2l steam group :P


Indeed very sweet :D Just a bit confusing when youre playing pub spy ;S


Indeed very sweet :D Just a bit confusing when youre playing pub spy ;S

i’ve given out instructions in this topic how to enable class image on lower left so it’s easier to play spy. try it out.


You remember my post from arena?
I also have the time over the crosshair when playing 6on6 :(
I guess I’m the only one?

EDIT: deleted folders from old huds, now the time is back to top mid in 6on6
arena is still fucked up :(

timer fixed, not completely tho but i got it moved back to top <3



<3 m0re
</3 VALVe’s buggy arena system

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