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m0rehud and configs

Created 31st May 2009 @ 02:34

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gambler /

m0re’s new hud with cl_hud_minimode 1 support: http://www.m0re.nocrits.com/index.php?site=files&cat=3

Last edited by Hazander,


thank you for that )
how to fix the height of the chat http://s42.radikal.ru/i097/1001/90/dfd8de44ff6d.jpg ?
help me pls )


got one quick question:
I’m using m0resfpsconfig and I was wondering how to disable the consoleevents that keep spamming my screen ingame. anyone knows the answer?


Quoted from ouch

got one quick question:
I’m using m0resfpsconfig and I was wondering how to disable the consoleevents that keep spamming my screen ingame. anyone knows the answer?

developer 0


I’d like to make the damage-done indicators (the ones that fly over your enemy) a bit bigger, how do you do that?


great work! i really enjoy playing with your HUD.


The only hud i have used, i use and i will ever use (L)



Something’s not quite right with mine — the zeros are really tall instead of perfectly-rounded like they are in the screenshots. This happens in both cl_hud_minimode 0 and 1 and I’m using 1920×1080, 16:9.

Edit: Nevermind — I think it was because I hadn’t copied the font to C:WindowsFonts.

Last edited by stko!,


18:43.21 ( @blight|m0reoe ) final version of m0rehud now avail: http://m0re.nocrits.com



Can I get rid of the class icon in the bottom-left corner?



Awesiom as ever ty m0re!

One small note, im not too happy with the health craoss, it looks like the red low-healthindicator (and the white buff one) are lying on top of it, making it harder to read the text. Dunno if thats intentional but im not that keep on it.


Quoted from stko!

Can I get rid of the class icon in the bottom-left corner?

There was wrong pack about 5mins, just dl it again and it shouldnt have it.

Quoted from Akasazh

Awesiom as ever ty m0re!

One small note, im not too happy with the health craoss, it looks like the red low-healthindicator (and the white buff one) are lying on top of it, making it harder to read the text. Dunno if thats intentional but im not that keep on it.

I had a good chat about that with my beta testers and they felt like that as well, at first. After while they said that its the best thing ever and they notice their low health much better with the new health cross. 9/10 beta testers wanted to keep that feature on, if people dont like it I can make 1 with default health cross. Just drop some feedback on my site or here, np.

Last edited by M0re,


Requires reinstall since update 27/01.


Quoted from oblivion

Requires reinstall since update 27/01.

Requires re-install since ALL-UPDATES, all huds exept default one needs that.

Thanks Valve.


If had to reinstall mine once, and I’ve been using it for about 8 months now?

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