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m0rehud and configs

Created 31st May 2009 @ 02:34

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Are you going to add HudDamageAccount.res in your hud?

you can use it, it’s not so that you couldnt use it. If it stays ill modify it, but I hope it wont.



I just copied the HudDamageAccount.res from numlocked’s HUD to my ui folder and it worked with m0res hud

I had to adjust the position a bit but that’s it.

Last edited by Ino,



Any chance of getting a hud based damage indicator next update m0re? :) No rush, just next time you work on it it would be cool, the one i have now stays on my screen in the place i did the damage but it would be nice to have it show up on my hud instead.



That’s what I did by taking the HudDamageAccount.res from num’s HUD. Your last damage done stays on your hud.
If you open the file it’s pretty selfexplanationary how to change the location and/or colour on the hud. Just try some value, go back to TF2 and type hud_reloadscheme in console. Reiterate till you found a position of your liking.

Ah yeah, you can find num’s hud here: http://rghost.net/723736



Tried out the highfps config. It worked really well of course but I didn’t really need it. I may switch back to it in the future though. Only issue now is after getting rid of the autoexec and launch options commands there’s still a few odd things left behind.

Most obvious thing being the bullet marks on walls being limited to 1. I’m sure there’s a few other things that I haven’t noticed. Is there a lazy arse way of reverting it to defualt?

P.S. no I didn’t have an autoexec before I installed in cfg.

Nub to cfgs and huds etc, don’t hate.


Tried out the highfps config. It worked really well of course but I didn’t really need it. I may switch back to it in the future though. Only issue now is after getting rid of the autoexec and launch options commands there’s still a few odd things left behind.

Most obvious thing being the bullet marks on walls being limited to 1. I’m sure there’s a few other things that I haven’t noticed. Is there a lazy arse way of reverting it to defualt?

P.S. no I didn’t have an autoexec before I installed in cfg.

Nub to cfgs and huds etc, don’t hate.

-autoconfig in launchoptions resets to default, put it there, start tf2, close tf2 then remove



Tried out the highfps config. It worked really well of course but I didn’t really need it. I may switch back to it in the future though. Only issue now is after getting rid of the autoexec and launch options commands there’s still a few odd things left behind.

Most obvious thing being the bullet marks on walls being limited to 1. I’m sure there’s a few other things that I haven’t noticed. Is there a lazy arse way of reverting it to defualt?

P.S. no I didn’t have an autoexec before I installed in cfg.

Nub to cfgs and huds etc, don’t hate.

-autoconfig in launchoptions resets to default, put it there, start tf2, close tf2 then remove

Worked perfectly. Cheers and much love, especially when it’s 3am here.


Tried out the highfps config. It worked really well of course but I didn’t really need it. I may switch back to it in the future though. Only issue now is after getting rid of the autoexec and launch options commands there’s still a few odd things left behind.

Most obvious thing being the bullet marks on walls being limited to 1. I’m sure there’s a few other things that I haven’t noticed. Is there a lazy arse way of reverting it to defualt?

P.S. no I didn’t have an autoexec before I installed in cfg.

Nub to cfgs and huds etc, don’t hate.

-autoconfig in launchoptions resets to default, put it there, start tf2, close tf2 then remove

Worked perfectly. Cheers and much love, especially when it’s 3am here.

4am here and i have no life :(


At the moment I’m trying to call different FPS configs for different things. I have a Pub config for public servers (everything near max so it looks nice) and the HighFPS config for matches.. so far it’s going well :)

I just copied everything (apart from binds) and put it in a file called pub.cfg and used m0re.cfg for the fps config. Then I added this to my autoexec

//exec pub.cfg
//exec m0re.cfg

I then just unslash the one I want to use :)

It’s working ok with some flaws



I’m probably just retarded but I’m using Morehud and tried to copy HudDamageAccount.res from num’s hud into the ui folder but I don’t notice anything when playing. Is there someone else I have to do?



Have you installed the latest version of m0rehud? It should work by just pasting nums file. At least it did for me


(king of all rollouts)

hud_combattext 1



I’m probably just retarded but I’m using Morehud and tried to copy HudDamageAccount.res from num’s hud into the ui folder but I don’t notice anything when playing. Is there someone else I have to do?

had the same issue when switching huddamageaccount.res, think it has something to do with the fonts



Noticed I didn’t have the newest version, but I have it now, still not working.

Also, at the toplist at the end of a game you can’t see what classes people played – perhaps changeable in a file somewhere…

Edit: Switched back and forth again and now the damage is there.

And now it isn’t working again, odd…

Last edited by Skoberget,


At the moment I’m trying to call different FPS configs for different things. I have a Pub config for public servers (everything near max so it looks nice) and the HighFPS config for matches.. so far it’s going well :)

I just copied everything (apart from binds) and put it in a file called pub.cfg and used m0re.cfg for the fps config. Then I added this to my autoexec

//exec pub.cfg
//exec m0re.cfg

I then just unslash the one I want to use :)

It’s working ok with some flaws

If you want just type in console “exec ” the way you said that implys you restart your game and edit the autoexec everytime you play, thats a lotta hassle.

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