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m0rehud and configs

Created 31st May 2009 @ 02:34

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got some problems with the 1280×1024 hud

on the scoreboard , when there’s a friend icon with someone on the other team , the boxes overlap

sometimes when i want to select a class i see all the class models very small in the top left of my screen

also in the class select screen, when there is class limits on the serv , the sentence with the class limits exceeds the white box on the right side

skinnie i take a look at it, you know i did it in 10mins for you basicly so keep telling bugs if you see others, ill try to fix them as well asap.



Nice update, but i’ve got some of the hud missing on the wide screen version

Standard 1680×1050 res


Same for me. I love how the HUD looks in general, but this issue unfortunately makes me use the original :( It looks like that when using minimal hud. Without minimal hud, the stickycounter is almost in the middle of the screen. I play in 16:9 (1366×768).


I only noticed a problem using the spy: you update the hud to show the gun and the name of your disguise but… it’s hard to know if you are disguised as a red or as a blue since there’s no pic of the class you are disguise/no tag “disguise as demoman red” (Example).
I think the hud needs this little fix to become the perfect hud.
I hope you will take my advice. I love play spy but right now it’s hard with this hud

i don’t like the classimage in my hud, and it was impossible to add text like that to info box because valve took it off when updating spy/sniper. but the background color points your disguise team, it wont work if you 1st choose red, then blue – it wont update to blue, but 1st disguise to red and the background will be red or 1st disguise to blue and the background will be blue. and imho when i play spy i disguise always to enemyteam so it works fine.

thx for the answer. I have this problem just beacuse i use a script to bind all the keypad number to a different disguise and it set as default red disguise even if you are on blue team using enter key to change team disguise. So i couldn’t see the red/blue background in the right way.
Keep up the good work. By the way i hope someday i will see this hud with a fix using class pic.


open HudPlayerClass.res with notepad from tf/resource/ui folder. change visible “1” and enabled “1” from first group called “HudPlayerClass”. and you have your classimage/spyimage. you’re welcome.


i downloaded the first new 4:3 version and couldnt see how much uber my medic had, whilst healing me and whilst not healing me.
hope this changed with the 4:3 update`? :)

cba to try it myself atm




I’m not seeing enough praise people. Do you want that headset or not?!


open HudPlayerClass.res with notepad from tf/resource/ui folder. change visible “1” and enabled “1” from first group called “HudPlayerClass”. and you have your classimage/spyimage. you’re welcome.

ty i give it a try. #1


<3 Fruit

thanks m0re for this amazing hud :)! tf2 hasn’t been pleasant to play without this.
after you try more’s hud, you cant switch back. :D!



ye looks awesome
nice work ty



You remember my post from arena?
I also have the time over the crosshair when playing 6on6 :(
I guess I’m the only one?

EDIT: deleted folders from old huds, now the time is back to top mid in 6on6
arena is still fucked up :(


\'s fault

ty for all your effort m0re, everything goes smoothly.



Two things I dislike (both apply to public play):

1. The classmenu. The old one has the benefit that it tells how many people are already playing a specific class.

2. The hud doesn’t give any hints about what team you are playing in since it contains no color. Maybe it’s only me but sometimes I forget which team I belong to :P

Edit: nvm number 2 :D

To get the old classmenu back I tried removing the files “classmenu_blue” and “classmenu_red” from ui-folder. But it didn’t really work… What can be done to make it work?

What I like: Everything else!



1. The classmenu. The old one has the benefit that it tells how many people are already playing a specific class.

The new version of the class menu lets you see that too, a little number to the right I think

Good job m0re, clean and effective. Love it.


thx for this nice hud :), keep up the good work!

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