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Highlander Season 18 Premiership Stats (+ other seasons)

Created 15th April 2019 @ 13:42

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Quoted from 4hp

(it could be a fun idea to let others in on this who might be interested in collecting log sets for other leagues or seasons but idk how hard that might be.)

Also this has nothing to do with you but I guess spy backstab damage will forever be massively inflated on logs because of the whole “6x player health” thing?

The original concept was to allow people to combine a ton of logs by themselves, but with the way it’s set up I don’t think it’d be a great idea allowing people to combine 40-60 logs. It needs to send a network request for every log and also several requests for every player’s ETF2L username. There’s already a relatively old functional version of this but at some point I decided against implementing it for those reasons.


Besides, NA RGL already has something similar if I remember correctly so I don’t think there’s a lot of point adding support for that.
I’m not sure how much people would care to see this for UGC.
Compatibility with other gamemodes is a bit shaky right now because it assumes that you spend the entire game playing one class, which means it doesn’t really work well with offclasses. While I would like to do it for 6s it’s probably not happening (soon).

About the Spy’s damage: the raw log files do in fact have a part declaring the real damage on backstab. This is the case for every class actually (ex. doing a 100 damage shot to a player that was only 3hp in reality counts as 3 damage of ‘real damage’). I just think it’d add more headaches than it’s worth, especially for older logs which don’t really have a lot of specific info other than kills, assists, deaths and damage.


Ok fair enough. So wait I may have misunderstood, does that mean that every class’s dpm is slightly inflated because of the overkill shots? I had no idea if that’s the case.

Last edited by 4hp,

Quoted from mellow

I’ve been working on a hobby project that combines logs into a sort of spreadsheet for some time now. It attempts to remove pauses to the best of its ability and does most of the math while drawing some charts and allowing you to sort per stat. It also contains some more obscure stats like building construction/destruction etc. Since no one has bothered making a spreadsheet for this season, I figured this would be a good moment to gather some feedback and ideas.


If you prefer a traditional spreadsheet, I’ve got that covered as well as I made a regular one too. I kind of copy pasted most of it in a rush though, so if you notice something doesn’t add up, feel free to reply and I’ll adjust accordingly. I used the majority of the template Mr. British used last season for that.


Will add logs at a later point in time.

I’ve also combined the stats for all past seasons up to Season 5. Season 5-7 stats might not be fully accurate for some stuff because Logs.tf did not capture stuff like the amount of headshots hit or medic build time around the 2013 era.

(Site will probably be down by Friday because I’ll most likely have to switch to a different host and it’s still in beta.)

Changelog spreadsheet:
– Fixed inVision’s/SO’s damage and kills being incorrect due to Villdjack mercing.
– Fixed kiti’s/VR’s damage and kills being incorrect due to Clark mercing.
– Fixed total ubers for inVision by adding Eniere’s.

Changelog web (CTRL+F5 if you don’t see changes):
– Added average heals received for Soldier

Quoted from Big Papa MattJ

Wow, thanks adje thats awesome :D
MrBritish would be proud

I approve.

Included_middle kills: 216
cazaroc kills: 215

You better believe I will hold this over him the rest of the season! Site looks good though, good work.



Quoted from 4hp

So wait I may have misunderstood, does that mean that every class’s dpm is slightly inflated because of the overkill shots? I had no idea if that’s the case.

I’m not sure what logs.tf does with the real damage per class, but considering it doesn’t apply to Spy I’m pretty confident it’s not the case for other classes either when it comes to overkill shots. If enough players are interested in this ‘real damage’ I’ll add it some time in the future.

Quoted from Included_Middle

Included_middle kills: 216
cazaroc kills: 215

You better believe I will hold this over him the rest of the season! Site looks good though, good work.

I mean you are mainclassing this season…….


Arti Rush

Time: 04:20:00


Also, great site, well done. I’d also add spy picks and sp/m for engies.

P.S. Time played in previous seasons differentiates slightly (sometimes more than slightly) to the time in CeeJaey’s/Just1s/Brit’s spreadsheets, is that because you use the pause-removal script?



Quoted from Clark

I’d also add spy picks and sp/m for engies.

P.S. Time played in previous seasons differentiates slightly (sometimes more than slightly) to the time in CeeJaey’s/Just1s/Brit’s spreadsheets, is that because you use the pause-removal script?

It removes pauses, yes. I’d have to do a bit of research if the way I’m currently doing it works optimally for older seasons, because log files have changed considerably over the past few years in terms of formatting etc. It basically counts lines in log files similar to this, takes the amount of seconds and then adds them up to form a ‘match playtime’ (essentially a corrected time which is used for calculating stats based on time).

World triggered "Round_Length" (seconds "430.21")

In other words, it bases the time on the total of the round times, not the actual duration of the match.

About the spy ‘picks’: I can’t say I personally find that to be an important Engie stat but it shouldn’t be too much work to add that, so I’ll look into it.

(CTRL + F5 if you don’t see changes)

Last edited by mellow,

is the site down?



Quoted from Cronk

is the site down?

It is (until I find a cheaper host for it). Might not seem like it at first because it caches a lot of stuff.

Bob Bami

wow amazing job! i love these stats

Quoted from mellow


It is (until I find a cheaper host for it). Might not seem like it at first because it caches a lot of stuff.

Icewind might be able to help.



I added logs in the OP for this season. Site is back up for now until my school subscription ends (lol).

I’ll have to look into rewriting it into a static site at some point so I can just host it for free, but that will take some time.



Three year old bump but whatever


I’ve redone most of the stuff from scratch and it has a new domain name now. Still need to iron out some bugs here and there but it’s at a point where I think it’s passable to put it online. Thing is running on the cheapest DigitalOcean droplet I could get my hands on so try to not hog it too much :) As for stats, I’ve done the last few seasons I missed out on + some older ones for divisions below Prem too (apart from Open, sorry). Some of the really old ones might take a while to load since 7 week seasons + more people played the game back then.

edit: on popular demand I have added a dark mode. It should adjust to the theme preference you have set for your operating system, if not try the toggle but it’s a bit wonky, you might need to refresh for it to work. Additionally some of the logs have a VODs section with KritzKast VODs, s/o to Wiethoofd for making that a painless process :) Will need to do some tinkering and searching to get all the BOTV/VanillaTV/TFTV VODs at some point

edit 2: I’m hoping to get this done for Div 1/Div 2 6s too but it will take me a while to gather the logs and I don’t know the players as much. They’ll probably be released in one batch when I’m done gathering everything

Last edited by mellow,



thank you for your work

mak FP


Quoted from mellow

Three year old bump but whatever

this shit is dope

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