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Highlander Season 18 Premiership Stats (+ other seasons)

Created 15th April 2019 @ 13:42

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I’ve been working on a hobby project that combines logs into a sort of spreadsheet for some time now. It attempts to remove pauses to the best of its ability and does most of the math while drawing some charts and allowing you to sort per stat. It also contains some more obscure stats like building construction/destruction etc. Since no one has bothered making a spreadsheet for this season, I figured this would be a good moment to gather some feedback and ideas.


If you prefer a traditional spreadsheet, I’ve got that covered as well as I made a regular one too. I kind of copy pasted most of it in a rush though, so if you notice something doesn’t add up, feel free to reply and I’ll adjust accordingly. I used the majority of the template Mr. British used last season for that.

Highlander S18 Premiership Google Spreadsheet


Week 1
Feila eSports finanzieren durch DROPS vs Weed Cake Sellers pl_badwater
inVision vs Strong Opinions pl_badwater
kiti s bakenbardami vs Faketory Road pl_badwater

Week 2
Feila eSports finanzieren durch DROPS vs kiti s bakenbardami koth_warmtic_b6 | koth_product_rc9
inVision vs Faketory Road koth_warmtic_b6 | koth_product_rc9
Strong Opinions vs Weed Cake Sellers koth_warmtic_b6 | koth_product_rc9

Week 3
Feila eSports finanzieren durch DROPS vs Faketory Road cp_steel
inVision vs Weed Cake Sellers cp_steel
kiti s bakenbardami vs Strong Opinions cp_steel

Week 4
Feila eSports finanzieren durch DROPS vs Strong Opinions cp_gullywash | koth_coalplant_b8
inVision vs kiti s bakenbardami cp_gullywash | koth_coalplant_b8
Weed Cake Sellers vs Faketory Road cp_gullywash | koth_coalplant_b8

Week 5
Feila eSports finanzieren durch DROPS vs inVision pl_upward
kiti s bakenbardami vs Weed Cake Sellers pl_upward
Strong Opinions vs Faketory Road pl_upward

Strong Opinions vs inVision – combined

I’ve also combined the stats for all past seasons up to Season 5. Season 5-7 stats might not be fully accurate for some stuff because Logs.tf did not capture stuff like the amount of headshots hit or medic build time around the 2013 era.

If you want to see this for any other (HL) competitions, let me know. All I need is all the logs for that competition, so if you can hit me up with those it’s not too much work to add.

Site is still in beta, if you notice any quirks, bugs or have feature requests, reply to this thread or add me.

Changelog spreadsheet:
– Fixed inVision’s/SO’s damage and kills being incorrect due to Villdjack mercing.
– Fixed kiti’s/VR’s damage and kills being incorrect due to Clark mercing.
– Fixed total ubers for inVision by adding Eniere’s.

Changelog web (CTRL+F5 if you don’t see changes):
– Added average heals received for Soldier
– Added spy kills per minute for Engie
– Added RGL HL Invite Season 1 Regular Season

EDIT: Website will be up on this domain for another two months or so until I find a better and hopefully more affordable hosting solution/find the time to rewrite the website into a static site.
Thanks to the people who offered their feedback.

Last edited by mellow,


(ETF2L Donator)

That looks really good. Any chance to add div 1 stats for this season (S18) just like last season?


Quoted from TimTum

That looks really good. Any chance to add div 1 stats for this season (S18) just like last season?

Div 1 Stats for S18 should definitely be possible to set up for the web project. I’d just need all the logs to do it (which would take me some time to find). Making a Google spreadsheet for it is out of the question though, it’d take up too much time for me to set up and manage.

EDIT: Div 1 stats for Season 18 are done. Think I’ve got all matches covered, feel free to point out any mistakes I’ve made.


Last edited by mellow,


good work brotha


(ETF2L Donator)

Damn that’s fast, keep up the good work :)

Big Papa MattJ


Wow, thanks adje thats awesome :D
MrBritish would be proud

Team stats seems to be incorrect. F.e. Invision should have 19 more Ubers (enire from first official), and team damage should be 451098 according to raw logs combined.


Quoted from Tercio

Team stats seems to be incorrect. F.e. Invision should have 19 more Ubers (enire from first official), and team damage should be 451098 according to raw logs combined.

Yeah I forgot to account for Eniere playing the first official while calculating the total ubers per team, good call. Updated it.
I redid the math on the total damage and it’s still the same. Not really sure how you got that number.


(ETF2L Donator)

villdjack played for us vs faketory road


Quoted from tuja

villdjack played for us vs faketory road

Good catch. I added Villdjack’s kills and damage to inVision’s and deducted it from SO’s. Pretty sure your team’s stats should be correct now.

If there are any other cases of people who merced for several teams or stats not adding up, let me know.


(ETF2L Donator)

i believe clark merced for kiti vs wcs, so faketory should have less dmg and kiti more


(League Admin)

Beautiful charts, good job!




Thanks Adje and everyone else involved with collecting this data for the Highlander community to see. The lengths you go to in order to make it as realistic as possible for everyone who played and even including special medic and engineer stats as well is incredible.

Hopefully this tradition/habit or whatever you want to call it continues so that it preserves a history of player & team progress… and even downfalls.

Noice one


Excellent! Very clean and easy to navigate interface and I can’t believe you went back to collect logs for all those old seasons.

(it could be a fun idea to let others in on this who might be interested in collecting log sets for other leagues or seasons but idk how hard that might be.)

Also this has nothing to do with you but I guess spy backstab damage will forever be massively inflated on logs because of the whole “6x player health” thing?

Last edited by 4hp,

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