
Enjoy your piss soaked faces

Created 21st May 2009 @ 01:43

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Whats next then?

Soldier with shoot nuclear rockets and spit nuclear waste?

No that would mean valve had buffed the soldier, they never do that :p

Yeah, we are gonna end up with a water gun and a squeaky hammer :P

35%+ damage is huge :o depends on the time and what’s the throwing distance


Pissmidget will be happy to hear this.



Trowing the jarate on medics or scouts is going to be ‘golden’.
+35 dmg means most weapons can 1shot scouts and 2shot pretty much everything else.


But it would force the sniper to come quite close (that was after all the intention), and your team has one less player for a short amount of time.

Whats next then?

Soldier with shoot nuclear rockets and spit nuclear waste?

No that would mean valve had buffed the soldier, they never do that :p

Yeah, we are gonna end up with a water gun and a squeaky hammer :P

lmfao me wantee sqeaky hammer!

Also, maybe he could get inspector-gadget-like springs in his boots as an alternative to RJing…add a red nose and you got bozo the clown.



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