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Regarding the action against degu and pred.

Created 9th August 2018 @ 21:59

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OP makes fair points. Silly to ban someone for something they said on Twitter, or whatever happened in this situation.


Quoted from Sacrilege



Quoted from Sacrilege


this aint a doublepost, read the whole thing and it def deserved another mention


whoever wrote the log off thing doesn’t deserve to get banned at all, and i feel that etf2l was just forced by the outcry caused by tftv. plus though the “ugly gook cunt” comment was uncalled for, i wonder if this being racist gets you banned thing applies to all players playing in ALL etf2l competitions or just prem players in specific, or is this just a one off ban caused by all this sudden chaos?

plus does it depend on the situation as nearly every game im in, i see someone say “nigger” so would they get banned too? or does it have to be brought up on tftv for a reaction to be had? sorry if im sounding ignorant, but from the way i read the tftv thread it seemed like there wasnt a rule in place that could ban someone for saying stuff outside of tf2 and etf2l

Last edited by triga,



Quoted from triga

whoever wrote the log off thing doesn’t deserve to get banned at all, and i feel that etf2l was just forced by the outcry caused by tftv.

Degu also liked pred’s comment essentially showing his support for that comment. The Log Off picture is tasteless in the extreme for a community figure against another community figure who had just admitted to having been sexually abused. Both degu and pred in this case showed that they are not worthy of being representatives of this community and have been dealt with accordingly imo.

Quoted from triga

though the “ugly gook cunt” comment was uncalled for, i wonder if this being racist gets you banned thing applies to all players playing in ALL etf2l competitions or just prem players in specific, or is this just a one off ban caused by all this sudden chaos? plus does it depend on the situation as nearly every game im in, i see someone say “nigger” so would they get banned too? or does it have to be brought up on tftv for a reaction to be had? sorry if im sounding ignorant, but from the way i read the tftv thread it seemed like there wasnt a rule in place that could ban someone for saying stuff outside of tf2 and etf2l

if there isn’t already a rule against racist remarks, I think this comment alone should prove that the community doesn’t quite have the collective brainpower to assume that casual racism is not okay and should be punished, in 2018.



Quoted from gamma

Degu also liked pred’s comment essentially showing his support for that comment. The Log Off picture is tasteless in the extreme for a community figure against another community figure who had just admitted to having been sexually abused. Both degu and pred in this case showed that they are not worthy of being representatives of this community and have been dealt with accordingly imo.

So is each indivdual player supposed to be screened for what they like or dislike on social media? Is ETF2L going to dictate that I should be morally obligated to care about that particular woman’s experience? Why not throw whales, trees and polar bears in.

Let’s say I hate polar bears and I think it’s good that they’re going extinct, and perhaps we should speed the process up, too. (which, by the way, is way more discriminatory than calling someone a gook, but it’s just bears, right? Who cares about bears? Or autists?). How am I supposed to know if in 2 days ETF2L isn’t going to come up with “we’d like to distance ourselves from jedi(fla)master’s bearist comments and ban him for half a year for advocating bear genocide”. Just why exactly should anyone agree to this backwards shit of banning people and making up rules on the fly?

Also I don’t think anyone told either pred or degu that they’re signing up to be the PR of ETF2L. It’s really not their fault that so many people are worse than them that they made it to prem. Has anyone notified them of the responsibilities ETF2L was going to impose on them? Or are we just going to go through the entire history of the league and check every player for ever calling someone a nigger (not autist though, who cares about them)?

Quoted from gamma

if there isn’t already a rule against racist remarks, I think this comment alone should prove that the community doesn’t quite have the collective brainpower to assume that casual racism is not okay and should be punished, in 2018.

Your subjective outlook on morality isn’t a matter of brainpower.


ok jedi I may think your arguments are ridiculous but people saying shit like this

Quoted from Useless

Stop acting like you have autism then.

need to fuck off immediately. That’s the one point you have, there is some serious hypocrisy going on from some people here. Sorry if I was snarkier than I needed to be.

Done posting here, still think this thread is going nowhere and needs locking



Quoted from 4hp

ok jedi I may think your arguments are ridiculous but people saying shit like this


need to fuck off immediately. That’s the one point you have, there is some serious hypocrisy going on from some people here. Sorry if I was snarkier than I needed to be.

Done posting here, still think this thread is going nowhere and needs locking

I may disagree with you but I respect that you’re at least consistent.


Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

So is each indivdual player supposed to be screened for what they like or dislike on social media? Is ETF2L going to dictate that I should be morally obligated to care about that particular woman’s experience? Why not throw whales, trees and polar bears in.

Let’s say I hate polar bears and I think it’s good that they’re going extinct, and perhaps we should speed the process up, too. (which, by the way, is way more discriminatory than calling someone a gook, but it’s just bears, right? Who cares about bears? Or autists?). How am I supposed to know if in 2 days ETF2L isn’t going to come up with “we’d like to distance ourselves from jedi(fla)master’s bearist comments and ban him for half a year for advocating bear genocide”. Just why exactly should anyone agree to this backwards shit of banning people and making up rules on the fly?

Also I don’t think anyone told either pred or degu that they’re signing up to be the PR of ETF2L. It’s really not their fault that so many people are worse than them that they made it to prem. Has anyone notified them of the responsibilities ETF2L was going to impose on them? Or are we just going to go through the entire history of the league and check every player for ever calling someone a nigger (not autist though, who cares about them)?

Your subjective outlook on morality isn’t a matter of brainpower.

Ignoring the bear rubbish that surrounds it, the point about making up rules on the fly is a good one. Fortunately, ETF2L’s statement includes a section where they state that they will be reviewing their rules in future.

The vast majority of sporting organisations have rules to deal with “bringing the game into disrepute.” This isn’t some impossible never-tried-before sjw fantasy. Just don’t be a prick and everything will be fine.


Quoted from Jedi(fla)master


Your subjective outlook on morality isn’t a matter of brainpower.

“Racism is bad” isn’t hard to come upon, but that’s irrelevant. Look at this from a purely cynical “business” standpoint. People are going to be edgy and whether they meant the slurs/etc is a m00t point because ETF2L don’t want to be associated with people whose opinions are widely regarded (yes subjectively but widely, and that’s a fact not an appeal to popularity) as bad. ETF2L has to be seen to be against this kind of thing. Plus your arguments are just mindless edge. “facts don’t care about ur feelings libtard” kinda shit that I use as binds in lobbies.



Quoted from Pecklesteiner


“Racism is bad” isn’t hard to come upon, but that’s irrelevant. Look at this from a purely cynical “business” standpoint. People are going to be edgy and whether they meant the slurs/etc is a m00t point because ETF2L don’t want to be associated with people whose opinions are widely regarded (yes subjectively but widely, and that’s a fact not an appeal to popularity) as bad. ETF2L has to be seen to be against this kind of thing.

The cynical perspective on this is completely understandable, but it’s not at all incompatible with giving those players lighter punishments that don’t affect the competition.
Let me get one thing straight, I may disagree with it, but I understand that ETF2L may want to enforce stricter behavioral standards to try and look good in this clusterfuck. I think it’s a dumb idea, I think it’ll never be done well and that it’s not in line with the spirit of competition as well as extremely patronising towards the people they want to look good to, but I get why they’re doing it. Trying to enforce their future plans in the past to the point of crippling teams is what I have the biggest problem with.

Quoted from Pecklesteiner

Plus your arguments are just mindless edge. “facts don’t care about ur feelings libtard” kinda shit that I use as binds in lobbies.

I urge you to read them again.



nice thread to just read and forget

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from Goreston


Finally, I’m quite happy to condemn people who use autist as an insult. It’s shitty.

What insults are left now that “retard” “autist” and “frenchie” are no longer acceptable because people who aren’t autistic, french or retards (same thing) feel they need to get upset about it


Quoted from sheepy dog's hand


What insults are left now that “retard” “autist” and “frenchie” are no longer acceptable because people who aren’t autistic, french or retards (same thing) feel they need to get upset about it

I’m sure ETF2L’s banter geniuses will come up with something.

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

sheepy dog’s hand: banter genius

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