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Regarding the action against degu and pred.

Created 9th August 2018 @ 21:59

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Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

I really don’t see how being a decent person is a prerequisite for being good at TF2, and being good at TF2 is what makes people succeed in ETF2L.

At no point did I say that being a decent person is a prerequisite for being good at TF2, nor did I deny that being good at TF2 is what makes people succeed in ETF2L (although this is somewhat debatable depending on your definition of success).

After reading through and trying to understand your incoherent ramblings several times, I’m going to assume that this “Joseph Stalin vs Adolf Hitler” shit is some kind of strange attempt at humorously renaming the players we’re discussing. Either that or you’re just trolling; regardless I can still display why the opinion you’re expressing is moronic in hope that other, more intelligent people reading this will see the light.

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

I understand you want Adolf Hitler to answer for what he’s done, but ETF2L doesn’t need to cripple itself in order to make that happen, because it’s not their job. Besides, wouldn’t it be a much more glorious, beautiful victory, to win an official against him by running a pyro in 6v6 and say “How’s that for a holocaust, asshole?”?

Once again, you seem to have your priorities wrong. No, I don’t think the vast majority of people from a minority background are going to feel like justice has been done because they beat a racist at a computer game. If you think that is the case, then I’m afraid to say you’ve been living under a rock your entire life; there is more to life than playing TF2.

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

And finally, it’s the sad reality that you’re going to have some shit thrown at you if you’re engaging in any competitive endevour, and while I understand why you don’t want that, this “message” doesn’t prevent anyone from throwing it. A message can also be sent without affecting the competition directly.

Except that it does prevent people from throwing it, because now a precedent is being set that people who enact this kind of behaviour will be punished.

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

Calling someone a gook isn’t any more racist than calling someone a dick is sexist.

Correction: calling someone a gook is generally considered racist. Do the research: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=is+calling+someone+a+gook+racist%3F

The fact that you have to have these base level things explained to you just goes to show how unexposed to the outside world and how uneducated you are. You keep saying “ETF2L isn’t responsible for what players do outside of it” which once again shows you are ignorant to the laws of association, namely contiguity and attention. Here, once again you can do the research yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_association


Arti Rush

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

And, at the risk of confirming that I am in fact a robot, I’d let Joseph Stalin duke it out against Adolf Hitler in ETF2L. I really don’t see how being a decent person is a prerequisite for being good at TF2, and being good at TF2 is what makes people succeed in ETF2L. I understand you want Adolf Hitler to answer for what he’s done, but ETF2L doesn’t need to cripple itself in order to make that happen, because it’s not their job. Besides, wouldn’t it be a much more glorious, beautiful victory, to win an official against him by running a pyro in 6v6 and say “How’s that for a holocaust, asshole?”?

All those years I’ve thought you were just a massive troll, Jedi, and not a grade-A idiot. Thank you for dispelling that illusion.


I think we need stop levelling ourselves over the use of dirty words in gaming. For every 10 you ban 50 new toxic open players will show up. Good luck.


Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

Not necessarily. You can use an inadequate slur on someone and it’ll still be an insult while having nothing to do with their race. You can call someone a slur just to fuck with them and it won’t be racist because your motivation isn’t to insult their race but to fuck with them. Finally, you can call someone an adequate slur because they really rustled your jimmies. People have been calling me a sperg and an autist (even in this thread) and it’s fine. Stop conflating namecalling with actual discrimination, please. It’s not the same thing.

Ok, for clarity, the definition of slur that I am using is “a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people.” This is distinct from other insults, which can be applied to anyone regardless of their group. When you use a slur, as opposed to any other insult, you are by definition discriminating. You are also discriminating regardless of whether the target of your insult belongs to that group, by implying that being a member of that group is bad in and of itself.

The main point I want to make though, is that any definition of racism that requires discerning the perpetrator’s motivation is absolutely useless. If someone decides put on a white hood and burn some crosses until all the black people leave town, it doesn’t really matter if they were only doing it to trigger the libs.


You’re basically arguing that everything should be allowed in modern society… it doesn’t work like that in 2018, maybe 200 years ago



Quoted from PJC


At no point did I say that being a decent person is a prerequisite for being good at TF2, nor did I deny that being good at TF2 is what makes people succeed in ETF2L (although this is somewhat debatable depending on your definition of success).

Glad we got that out of the way.
Quoted from PJC

After reading through and trying to understand your incoherent ramblings several times, I’m going to assume that this “Joseph Stalin vs Adolf Hitler” shit is some kind of strange attempt at humorously renaming the players we’re discussing.

No, it’s a hyperbole. I use it to show just how little it matters to me who’s on the other side when playing tf2. Not that I don’t like you guys, but if it was someone i hated, it wouldn’t make sense for me to stop playing because of it
Quoted from PJC

Either that or you’re just trolling; regardless I can still display why the opinion you’re expressing is moronic in hope that other, more intelligent people reading this will see the light.

Play me in chess lol.
Quoted from PJC

Once again, you seem to have your priorities wrong. No, I don’t think the vast majority of people from a minority background are going to feel like justice has been done because they beat a racist at a computer game. If you think that is the case, then I’m afraid to say you’ve been living under a rock your entire life; there is more to life than playing TF2.

I can’t help you if you don’t want yout enemies to lose. There may be more to life than tf2, but there’s not THAT much more to ETF2L than tf2. I’m not saying there is nothing at all, but tf2 is the core of the experience.
Quoted from PJC

Except that it does prevent people from throwing it, because now a precedent is being set that people who enact this kind of behaviour will be punished.

Tell that to the anon who started this shitstorm and now is laughing his ass of that 2 prem players lined themselves upwind. Hey, tell that to everyone who called me an autist, idiot and a neanderthal in this thread.
Quoted from PJC

Correction: calling someone a gook is generally considered racist. Do the research: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=is+calling+someone+a+gook+racist%3F

I don’t infer people’s motivations from their vocabulary or the general opinion about that vocabulary. Otherwise half of the people here would have to hate the mentally disabled.
Quoted from PJC

The fact that you have to have these base level things explained to you just goes to show how unexposed to the outside world and how uneducated you are. You keep saying “ETF2L isn’t responsible for what players do outside of it” which once again shows you are ignorant to the laws of association, namely contiguity and attention. Here, once again you can do the research yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_association

I’m sorry, I’m not a philosopher, psychologist or a cognitive scientist. This article you’ve sent seems pretty barren too, so I had to look it up myself and what I’ve found seems completely irrelevant, so it’s hard for me to reply to that. If you’re saying people will remember those events and learn to associate them with ETF2L, I’m sorry, but it seems that you think people are idiots. It doesn’t take a genius to understand ETF2L had nothing to do with calling uberchain a gook. On the other hand, ETF2L had everything to do with crippling 2 teams for the sake of enforcing a rule that doesn’t even exist yet.

There is an argument to be made about pred likely not doing this shit had he known his team was on the line, by the way.
Lex retro non agit



Quoted from Goreston


Ok, for clarity, the definition of slur that I am using is “a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people.” This is distinct from other insults, which can be applied to anyone regardless of their group. When you use a slur, as opposed to any other insult, you are by definition discriminating. You are also discriminating regardless of whether the target of your insult belongs to that group, by implying that being a member of that group is bad in and of itself.

The main point I want to make though, is that any definition of racism that requires discerning the perpetrator’s motivation is absolutely useless. If someone decides put on a white hood and burn some crosses until all the black people leave town, it doesn’t really matter if they were only doing it to trigger the libs.

As long as nobody gets hurt and they pay for the hoods and the crosses as well as ensure fire safety I see no problem here.



Quoted from Tamir

You’re basically arguing that everything should be allowed in modern society… it doesn’t work like that in 2018, maybe 200 years ago

I never even talked about the society at large, and obviously not everything should be allowed, but if you want to talk actual politics I don’t think this is the place for it.


Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

As long as nobody gets hurt and they pay for the hoods and the crosses as well as ensure fire safety I see no problem here.

You don’t think all the black people who left town were hurt?

Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

I’m sorry, I’m not a philosopher, psychologist or a cognitive scientist.

This is becoming increasingly obvious.



Quoted from Goreston

You don’t think all the black people who left town were hurt?

They didn’t have to leave town. They could get themselves a bunch of black hoods and wooden swastikas to burn while ensuring fire safety.


Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

They didn’t have to leave town. They could get themselves a bunch of black hoods and wooden swastikas to burn while ensuring fire safety.

The problem with being a minority is that you tend, by definition, to be outnumbered.



Quoted from Goreston


The problem with being a minority is that you tend, by definition, to be outnumbered.

That didn’t stop me from still posting here.

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from Goreston


The problem with being a minority is that you tend, by definition, to be outnumbered.

White people are a minority, most of the world is chinese, indians and africans


Quoted from Clark


All those years I’ve thought you were just a massive troll, Jedi, and not a grade-A idiot. Thank you for dispelling that illusion.

Still not convinced this isn’t just an attempt to rile up this entire forum, this thread went from irritating to funny to straight up Twilight Zone

Honestly just lock it at this point, no one’s gaining anything from this


Quoted from Jedi(fla)master

[…] That didn’t stop me from still posting here.

You didn’t have reason to fear lynching.

My point, as you well know, is that racist actions have racist consequences, regardless of the motivations of their perpetrator. Uberchain’s experience of Pred being a massive racist prick is the same regardless of whether he meant to be a massive racist prick or not.

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