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meet your match update

Created 6th July 2016 @ 18:46

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And there i was thinking quickie bombs were the best weapon in the game before the buff, this shit is going to be ridiculous now. I think they need to put the fizzle back on it does too much.



This patch sucks! Spy ms 320? Medic can run as fast as scout with any medigun? Not like this.



you can clearly understand what they are trying to do with all the medic buffs, they try to make medic more fun so more people would play it.
what they don’t realize is that people don’t enjoy the concept of medic and that’s why there aren’t as much medic mains as other classes.
over the last few years they buffed:
crossbow with fast reload and passive reload.
crossbows giving you ubercharge when hitting a teamate and fast weapon switch so you can land and ubersaw and pop uber faster so you won’t drop it.
the quickfix buff where you can buff people to 25% of their max health
and now being as fast as scouts when healing them, picking up mediguns and the overdose.
killing medics is now almost impossible if they either have a scout around them or the overdose.

Last edited by Phnx,


What’s all of this gay shit?
This isn’t any kind of lucid rebalancing a sane man or company would come up with
It’s a rehaul of gimmicks in a desperate attempt to make the game seems fresh again

“Clips and blockbullets added to stairs”
The only relevant good thing out of all of this. I’d applaud but it still took them years



Here I thought Overwatch was gonna try so hard to be a tf2 clone.

Yet here is tf2 trying to be Overwatch. How ironic :D



Here I thought Overwatch was gonna try so hard to be a tf2 clone.

Yet here is tf2 trying to be Overwatch. How ironic :D


high settings= FORCED






I searched a game and it put me on cp_gorge

God help us!

Last edited by MoreBuckets!,


Quoted from Phnx

you can clearly understand what they are trying to do with all the medic buffs, they try to make medic more fun so more people would play it.
what they don’t realize is that people don’t enjoy the concept of medic and that’s why there aren’t as much medic mains as other classes.
over the last few years they buffed:
crossbow with fast reload and passive reload.
crossbows giving you ubercharge when hitting a teamate and fast weapon switch so you can land and ubersaw and pop uber faster so you won’t drop it.
the quickfix buff where you can buff people to 25% of their max health
and now being as fast as scouts when healing them, picking up mediguns and the overdose.
killing medics is now almost impossible if they either have a scout around them or the overdose.

Valve is always trying to fix problems that don’t exist like this. We saw it when they buffed the crocodile shield for sniper just because people generally didn’t play it even though it was powerful and viable, the reason obviously being that it’s less fun to play with a passive style weapon like that. The same thing applies to medic, there was no reason to change anything – people don’t play medic because it’s inherently more boring than other classes.

Also this is months late but I think that quick switch change for every class just because they wanted to change pyro is the worst thing they’ve ever done because it took out a huge part of the game which is making sure you don’t get caught with the wrong weapon out. Now you can just switch so quickly that it doesn’t even matter.

They did a similar thing with the crossbow because that weapon is clearly incredibly powerful and the best secondary but for me the tradeoff was that you couldn’t build uber as quickly, therefore the skill is managing heals/uber but they took that away.

And now you take away the skill of positioning, dodging and surfing from medic by making him able to match the scout’s speed if he is healing him.

Some of this update such as the matchmaking, fixing clipping etc are very good but valve always have to change some random shit with no clue how it’s really going to affect the game.

Last edited by hr,


Few weeks ago I got put into a Dubai server in MM
Today Popcorp got put into a Tokyo server

Jesus Fucking Christ, Valve. The incompetence is showing


Tutorial: How to destroy an entire game with one update


Quoted from MoreBuckets!

high settings= FORCED






I searched a game and it put me on cp_gorge

God help us!

you’re clearly not forced to play with 60 fov

view model fov is forced as 54
Its absolutely disgusting to look at, even in minimal mode it looks like you’re firing guns with your feet.


Happy matchmaking update everyone!


Dr. med.

Wow, you guys are quite the Negative Nancys. Some things will have to be seen how they play out like Medic speed, quickiebombs etc. But many of the changes were strongly needed. And Valve said they will be rebalancing when they have more data; this is clearly the first iteration.



Except it’s been in beta for almost half a year now and they force this shit down your throat.

GG Valve.

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