Forum dm server
Created 24th September 2015 @ 02:21
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Suck Fnipers
Nobody likes Sniper, not even Sniper mains.
i like playing sniper in dm, but allowing snipers would be complete shit.
snipers don’t duel the other players. they just miss a few shots, and suddenly oneshot players that weren’t even looking at them.
trying to kill the sniper is pointless. he will die in a second if someone actually cares, but he’ll just respawn and keep on dropping people that are fighting somebody else.
the only player that actually gains something from having a sniper in the game is the sniper himself.
tl;dr: snipers in dm are just a huge distraction, everyone knows it.
Quoted from nukkye
Could you allow sniper ? Since the death of the tryhardbrigade no where to snipe anymore :/
Cp_orange_x3 fastrespawn
snipers aren’t going to be allowed so stop asking for them
Or gullywash where 6 sollys battle for the nipple…
okay, you guys have been very vocal about what class to remove and add. because of all this i have decided to allow spy with the knife only! enjoy your dming experience. obviously, for this i have removed a scout slot on each team.
Last edited by hp,
Quoted from hp
okay, you guys have been very vocal about what class to remove and add. because of all this i have decided to allow spy with the knife only! enjoy your dming experience. obviously, for this i have removed a scout slot on each team.
thanks hp!
Quoted from hp
okay, you guys have been very vocal about what class to remove and add. because of all this i have decided to allow spy with the knife only! enjoy your dming experience. obviously, for this i have removed a scout slot on each team.
tack hpkuk du är gud
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