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When to FAKE UBER?

Created 25th July 2015 @ 16:31

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Stefan B.

FAKING UBER, why and when? (this is my question)
As a medic when is the best time to fake uber?



When the other team has a slight uber advantage


(ETF2L Donator)

it’s not really that useful honestly, but the best use of it is when you are at a disadvantage, and don’t want them to push


I sometimes fake when I’ve got around 75% pretending as if I’ve got Kritz. Or when we’re defending after a lost mid (for example) when I know that the enemy Medic already has full uber and I’ve got around 10-15% disadvantage.
Not sure how effective fake ubers are, many Medics mask their actual ones anyway.

Last edited by shoras,


you fake ubers to make the opponent think that you have uber, when you in fact do not.

faking your uber can, for example, be used to prevent the enemy from pushing in with their slight advantage (~20%), and therefore letting you get your uber for real.

medics can also mask their ubers by using another voice command just before they reach 100%, making your character not yell “I am fully charged!”

masking your uber can, for example, be used to make the enemy think you have been building your uber poorly (seeing as they never got the usual confirmation that you ever got it), making them push with their uber, just to be chased out by your uber.

there are tons of uses for both faking and masking, the above are just examples. a lot can be countered by simply counting ubers.

Stefan B.

Oh wow. Nice answers. One better than the other.
Didn’t expected that comming.

Thank you all. And the question is still open for the others that want to reply and have a different point of view. Always open for new ideas and plans for faking a uber.




Last edited by corben,



spam it everytime
and dont listen enemy medic voice, just count 40 secs by yourself

Last edited by Dikker,



No half decent medic pays attention to fake uber scripts.

I learned not to pay any attention when hearing the worst fake uber script in the world, Vani used to have one that spammed “we’re fully charged!” every 2 seconds, couldn’t believe a word he said after that.



nice name dude

Stefan B.

Quoted from schocky

nice name dude




Quoted from Dikker

spam it everytime
and dont listen enemy medic voice, just count 40 secs by yourself

^ Most annoying thing and it can mess you up so much BUT it’s working like charm!


Quoted from corben


you don’t fake, you are a russian pocket soldier ;d

I can play other classes as well.




Not sure if it still works… but when it did- way better than counting seconds on your own.

Last edited by doks,



Only thing it’s useful for is faking kritz or you can fake uber when you should have it but you don’t because you’ve been building badly. Any medic worth his weight in dick won’t pay any attention to voice commands in-game though.

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