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The Gun Mettle Update

Created 2nd July 2015 @ 03:01

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If a medic drops their uber, and another picks that medigun up, the medigun preserves the uber at 100%.
rofl at this



Quoted from AwniaLight

If a medic drops their uber, and another picks that medigun up, the medigun preserves the uber at 100%.
rofl at this

Really? My friend tried that and the medigun he picked up had 0%


Quoted from Fuxx


“Players have always dropped their equipped weapons when they die. But now, if it’s a weapon your class can equip, you can pick it up and take it for a test drive. You can even change loadouts on the fly!

If you pickup a kritzkrieg will your uber percentage:
a) reset to 0;
b) remain the same;
c) change to the percentage the other medic had just before death?

Anyone can confirm anything???

I got people telling me you can pickup uber mediguns from dropped medics

Guess not even 6s is safe from meta change

Last edited by Fuxx,


Quoted from Just1s

Really? My friend tried that and the medigun he picked up had 0%

We did it on a serveme server, I was on blue, he was on red.


Quoted from AwniaLight

If a medic drops their uber, and another picks that medigun up, the medigun preserves the uber at 100%.
rofl at this

Revoluzion la metagame :-)))


(ETF2L Donator)

you can build 2 ubers, smh
have a medigun on the ground > build uber > pick other medigun up build uber on it > pop uber > wait until it finishes and pick up other medigun > pop 2nd uber

if you pick up enemy medigun uber goes to 0%
if you pick up the other medigun while you’re ubering both weapons lose uber

kill med on second, pick up his gun and build his uber. Push with uber, go back get other medigun and instantly push again with 2nd uber
fuuuuuuuuuuck this

EDIT: scratch that, if you drop the uber it goes to 0%
but if the enemy medic drops his medigun for another one the uber stays.

ALSO ammo from enemies stay.
As in, spend 4 rockets to kill a soldier that shoots none.
Pick up his rocket launcher and you will have 4 rockets. Ammo stays on weapons.

Last edited by cmd,


Is anyone else having loss issues? As soon as this update came out I now have 20% loss on every server, just asking.


You can still throw ammo packs dropped on death around with explosions.


Quoted from Fuxx


Anyone can confirm anything???

I got people telling me you can pickup uber mediguns from dropped medics

Guess not even 6s is safe from meta change

When a medic drops, his uber percentage vanishes.
When a medic dies with 0-99%, the enemy medic is able to steal said ubercharge percentage.



Quoted from Jello


When a medic drops, his uber percentage vanishes.
When a medic dies with 0-99%, the enemy medic is able to steal said ubercharge percentage.

It doesn’t vanish. Just tried that, died with 100%, then picked that medigun up again and it had 100%


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Just1s

It doesn’t vanish. Just tried that, died with 100%, then picked that medigun up again and it had 100%

only if you suicide, if an enemy drops you it vanishes



Quoted from cmd

only if you suicide, if an enemy drops you it vanishes

oh so it will pretty much encourage teams to try to push with uber advantage to kill the enemy medic while he has like 80-90%, so after using yours you will have a new one if the push is successful.

Last edited by Just1s,


my config no longer works but i did it all for the skins



Last edited by roban,



Quoted from Phnx

what do you mean by banning configs?
(I don’t play cs:go)

You cant turn off viewmodel or install low graphics config etc

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