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The Gun Mettle Update

Created 2nd July 2015 @ 03:01

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Quoted from hr

The changing weapons ‘on the fly’ seems really really bad to me for comp TF2.

Soldiers switching to DH on spire, demos instantly switching to quickiebombs for last pushes with no punishment, someone else mentioned gunboats for rollout then instantly switch to shotgun on middle.

Wouldn’t that add to the strategy though? If you equip DH you’re putting yourself in a position where you must defend yourself in order to protect it from falling into another solly’s hands. It adds a fresh risk factor to switching weps and loadouts which is what Comp needs imo.


Quoted from MARS^

I’d consider the mini sentry nerfed now, it only takes one rocket to kill a mini now while it’s building, it used to take 2 rockets. We’ll see how it plays out though.

At least engi’s need some form of strategy and awareness about where to place their sentries now, other than spamming them mindlessly as a distraction.


Dr. med.

Quoted from PdH

i hope that stockweapons will still be best choice and unlocks just an option

That hasn’t been the case for many classes’ weapons slots for years now.


I like this new update.

Being able to pick up weapons increases the skill cap. You need to be aware of what gun you are using, and what your opponent might pick up if you die.

If you switched to vaccinator to defend last for example, and push out with it, it’s an extra incentive to kill the opponents medic if you wanna be able to buff your players again. And there’s also an extra incentive for the team falling back to keep their medic alive.

As for the balance changes, I’m all for it.

Last edited by Collaide,



Quoted from KesPenguen

why there is no direct hit nerf? i mean this weapon can kill every 125hp class in one hit on close range.

Close range? I jumped on spire in badlands as a scout, had a quick look at gray bridge as their combo was there, I was full hp, this guy sneezes at me from down there, boom one shot. ty.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Collaide

I like this new update.

Being able to pick up weapons increases the skill cap. You need to be aware of what gun you are using, and what your opponent might pick up if you die.

If you switched to vaccinator to defend last for example, and push out with it, it’s an extra incentive to kill the opponents medic if you wanna be able to buff your players again. And there’s also an extra incentive for the team falling back to keep their medic alive.

As for the balance changes, I’m all for it.


Last edited by S!MON,


Quoted from Fuxx


“Players have always dropped their equipped weapons when they die. But now, if it’s a weapon your class can equip, you can pick it up and take it for a test drive. You can even change loadouts on the fly!

If you pickup a kritzkrieg will your uber percentage:
a) reset to 0;
b) remain the same;
c) change to the percentage the other medic had just before death?

Hm, that’s interesting.

Last edited by DUCKSLAYER,


Quoted from Collaide

I like this new update.

Being able to pick up weapons increases the skill cap. You need to be aware of what gun you are using, and what your opponent might pick up if you die.

If you switched to vaccinator to defend last for example, and push out with it, it’s an extra incentive to kill the opponents medic if you wanna be able to buff your players again. And there’s also an extra incentive for the team falling back to keep their medic alive.

As for the balance changes, I’m all for it.

To add up to Skill cap, I bet they will make it so that the Player drops a weapon he held before he died, so if you’re a Medic, it would be much more wiser to switch to your Melee or Primary before dying, which will prevent enemy Medic from picking up your medigun

Last edited by Popcorp,


not really. :D its only for you to pick up other guys skin inspect it and after that buy crates and keys :D

I’d be very surprised if you actually could pick up a medigun with ubercharge stored, it will almost definitely be 0% and you will then quickly pick your own back up to see its sufferd the same fate (:



the skins look rly cool so is the weapon balancing and the stuff about ammo crates dropping and being able to pick up weapons


Quoted from Popcorp


To add up to Skill cap, I bet they will make it so that the Player drops a weapon he held before he died, so if you’re a Medic, it would be much more wiser to switch to your Melee or Primary before dying, which will prevent enemy Medic from picking up your medigun

Yeah exactly



and there we go :)



We’ve brought together the best parts of stealing and murder into one guilt-free activity! Players have always dropped their equipped weapons when they die. But now, if it’s a weapon your class can equip, you can pick it up and take it for a test drive. You can even change loadouts on the fly! Plus, you get that weapon forever! Until you die. In the game, not real life.

This obviously mean you can change your loadout if you pick different gun you can’t just switch up any time what ever you want.
Calm your nutsacks.



Quoted from cf

not really. :D its only for you to pick up other guys skin inspect it and after that buy crates and keys :D

this x100

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