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The Gun Mettle Update

Created 2nd July 2015 @ 03:01

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Quoted from Fuxx

They clearly went overboard for the sake of overboard.

Someone in Valve took the time to sit down, code and write this:

And they misspelled the unlock’s name. Someone thought “yea, this is a balanced change” and did it without any other second of thought put into it.

To be fair, the Vow was a straight upgrade on the bonesaw – it gave you a passive ability without losing anything.

Class changes seem interesting, not sure I like the idea of switching weapons on the fly.


(ETF2L Donator)

Seems like a long needed breath of fresh air.

IW spies got buffed all around, loving this.

Not sure whether or not DR spycicle was nerfed rather than changed though, it might be just as good as before, though Spypers were punished here, no doubt…

Engie seems to have been struck very hard, I’m not sure whether it was excessive or not, time will tell.

Please don’t start banning everything Based Admins.


hi im dog

If for example if switch 100% full medi gun for a kritzkrieg lying on the ground, will the ubercharge stay at the same %?


UbeR |

isn’t stat track the same as strange?



Quoted from kKaltUu

isn’t stat track the same as strange?

Yes but fancier since you can see the number of kills on your viewmodel weapon.



Quoted from Spyro

Please don’t start banning everything Based Admins.

If anything you’d allow more weapons as Valve are reacting to feedback. Or say we’re playing our own game until the competitive update and then suddenly everything changes.


Quoted from kronis

If for example if switch 100% full medi gun for a kritzkrieg lying on the ground, will the ubercharge stay at the same %?

I doubt that… BUT – what if the uber % stays dormant while unequiped ? you could build up kritz AND uber, and switch to whatever is needed ?

And if it doesnt keep uuber % and ammo when switching – wouldnt this grant infinite ammo ? run out of blackbox rockets – switch to regular – switch back to blackbox – boom full ammo ?



The weapon pickup thingy seems kinda pointless.



Global Fortress 2…


Quoted from 4hp

Some of the changes seemed unnecessary, especially the dead ringer, but some were really needed like the spycicle and loch n load. IDK. Can’t expect a valve update to be perfect. But from a pyro main perspective I’m happy they’re motivating spies to play knife and watch rather than DR and gun – the way some spies were turning the class into a second sniper was just ridiculous. And the detonator jump buff might be really fun.

About the weapon pickups, someone on twitch mentioned possibly being able to pick up the enemy medic’s medigun if you kill him as a situationally useful pickup, but otherwise I think the whole thing is a gimmick that will have no impact in comp.

BTW, all the skins showcased look awful. But I think the same of australium weapons and most unusuals and people still buy them so idk

You were too bad to beat these spies?



The path notes look fantastic – I haven’t been excited by a TF2 update in over a year, until now.

Some of the changes directly address the reasons leagues stated for banning the weapons – e.g. the Loch n’ Load can no longer one-shot scouts, the Pocket Pistol no longer has a hidden health buff and must now be equipped to have an effect, etc. It’s clear that they have been listening to competitive feedback for this balance update, unlike the one that tried to “balance” the stock sticky launcher.

Valve has really went beyond the call of duty on this one. If you like the changes in this update, please take a few minutes to shoot them a short email as a token of appreciation – http://www.valvesoftware.com/email.php?recipient=TF+Team


That’s a sign boys, matchmaking confirmed.


The LnL hasn’t been able to one shot scouts for months (not that it still wasn’t an OP weapon nonetheless). The direct hit however does one shot 125 hp classes that aren’t even jumping.


Quoted from bub


You were too bad to beat these spies?

If a spy is playing with the amby/DR and just headshotting people from safe locations like a sniper would (and you see so many of them do this), it’s no longer the pyro’s job. So I don’t know what you’re trying to argue here.



yay yay! i like the update, but i need matchmaking

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