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The Gun Mettle Update

Created 2nd July 2015 @ 03:01

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Quoted from doks



My team has mid. Enemies push in and fail. I have my charge and we are ready to push forward but then a roamer jumps me while i`m on low health. Its pop or drop. If i pop i`ll have my uuber after ~ 50 seconds. If i kill myself my team kills the roamer caps 2nd – i spawn on mid and pick up that dropped medigun. I have my uuber after ~ 25-30 secs. I just gained 20 seconds.

But yeah this is mostly gonna affect changing uuber types. Kill a kritz medic and take his kritz probably most of the time.

that’s why the new meta is going to be go “all in” when the enemy medic drops uber, so your own medic can take his medigun and have a big advantage, it’s not just you understanding you dropped and try to pick it up, it’s the enemy team as well.
gonna be interesting tbh


(ETF2L Donator)

worst update… and there were very very very bad updates already…


Last edited by .kr4tos,



Anyone know if its possible to merge the new skin weapons with old strange weapons, and keep your strange kill counter?


hi im dog

Sticky nerf is gone. Praise 100dmg stickies


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from kronis

Sticky nerf is gone. Praise 100dmg stickies

for real??????????????????????????????????????????????????


god that would be great :$$$$


Quoted from doks


1-99% you can pick up… not sure why you cant rofl.

Well I’d be delighted if you posted a video of you picking up any amount of uber from killing a medic because I’ve been testing this for 2 days now and it’s only ever worked with kill bind.

is it confirmed you are able to pick up your own dropped weapons?

Yes I’ve done it several times.

Last edited by Casino,


Quoted from Casino


Well I’d be delighted if you posted a video of you picking up any amount of uber from killing a medic because I’ve been testing this for 2 days now and it’s only ever worked with kill bind.

Might be, that it does not work on match servers. If that is the case, volvo actually put some thought into it. But last night I tested it with a friend on a pub server and we picked each others mediguns with uuber ez pz.


Quoted from Casino


Well I’d be delighted if you posted a video of you picking up any amount of uber from killing a medic because I’ve been testing this for 2 days now and it’s only ever worked with kill bind.

Why you make video where testing kill bind except normal kill with differents uber %? What’s point?
And again pls test it in tournament mode, not pub.

Last edited by Q-NeilL,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Phnx


that’s why the new meta is going to be go “all in” when the enemy medic drops uber, so your own medic can take his medigun and have a big advantage, it’s not just you understanding you dropped and try to pick it up, it’s the enemy team as well.
gonna be interesting tbh

I really feel that this will have a much much larger impact on how the game is played than valve ever intended it to have, I whole-heartedly hope they will add a cvar to disable gun pick ups.

It brings up such a big uncertainty to the game, shitting all over uber countings face. For example;
You fail a last push and both medics die, normally this would make ubers equal and the result of the game would depend on the rest of the teams decisions. But now the medic spawning on his own last has a chance to find an old medigun with (likely) 50+% uber on it and instantly get a massive uber advantage, and there’s no way for the other medic to know for sure what the ubers are. He could count the ubers but if he did find a medigun with any % on it that uber count will most likely be very wrong.
So now uber advantages in many scenarios have became a massive ???????????

I feel that this makes the flow of the game turn for the worse as the safest option in these scenarios would be to hold very far back until you get uber yourself, and in that moment you can’t even know for sure if you’re pushing into a full uber or not.
Adding these kind of risks and uncertainties to the core uber mechanics only serve to slow the game down and add to the stalemate.



Quoted from .kr4tos


for real??????????????????????????????????????????????????


god that would be great :$$$$

No difference to me


(Legendary Ratehacks)

i have a rocketlauncher skin would like to trade for scatter add me on steam


(ETF2L Donator)

medics to be #1 kill priority. rip medics who feel pressured already


Quoted from cmd


I feel that this makes the flow of the game turn for the worse as the safest option in these scenarios would be to hold very far back until you get uber yourself, and in that moment you can’t even know for sure if you’re pushing into a full uber or not.
Adding these kind of risks and uncertainties to the core uber mechanics only serve to slow the game down and add to the stalemate.

I disagree. It gives the defending team a better chance to push out from last… where as now if you pick the defending medic while pushing, you have a huge chance to defend 2nd when they push out and have another go at last.



Kaidus rollout is broken for me. The crouchsticky boost thingy or whatever you call it never works as it used to


update etf2l configs pleas

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