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Created 20th March 2015 @ 22:29

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Quoted from maxxx.lfc


Last edited by Jaakarhu,


(ETF2L Donator)

If you would be shit in high then might as well be shit in prem if the oppertunity presents itself and it did for lode emone and upp.



I’ll just make my break to quitting from comp. I have more interesting matches in TF2center than some of the prem matches will be.
Cya in NA hl maybe



To be fair, hePPa managed to snatch some points off other teams last season even though everyone thought it wouldn’t. Who knows, maybe upp and emo’s will do the same… against each other.



Quoted from Tseini

I’ll just make my break to quitting from comp. I have more interesting matches in TF2center than some of the prem matches will be.
Cya in NA hl maybe

People still care in NA HL :D


Quoted from MS


People still care in NA HL :D

Highlander in NA is much more popular, 214 teams at the moment.



Quoted from Popcorp


Highlander in NA is much more popular, 214 teams at the moment.

Doesn’t mean competition is any better. They have a few dominant teams that offer each other good competition and then the level just drops like it does here.


Dr. med.

The spots in Prem have to be filled by teams. Reducing the number of teams won’t help anyone. So my question is: Who else (that also applied for it) should have been in Prem instead of the teams that are in it now?

Side note: I am already oddly confused that it says “divs” instead of “tiers” in the thread title, interesting.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Selek

The spots in Prem have to be filled by teams. Reducing the number of teams won’t help anyone. So my question is: Who else (that also applied for it) should have been in Prem instead of the teams that are in it now?

If we reduce the number of teams and increase the amount of games, we get closer games and more accurate seedings. It also makes prem more exclusive and desirable, which is a good thing, since you actually have to try to get in it again.


I’m not arrogant or diluded enough to think that we (emone) will do well this season. That said I don’t see any reason why we couldn’t beat Unpoppable, WASP, maybe even fE or some of the other more established Prem teams.

I think there’s quite a lot of competition around our level (top high / low prem by the provisional divs). I can’t look at the teams now because I’m on my phone but there are a good few teams in high who would have been equally worthy to play in the qualifiers. Perhaps next season a good method to sort out the prem spots would be to conduct a mini tournament rather than to pick four arbitrary teams for qualifiers. The drama last season (voodoo and heppa) and this season (emone and upp) suggests that people think there are more worthy teams for the prem spots. So why not take the bottom three prem teams and the top three high teams and run a tournament to sort out who deserves the spots?

That or take Scissors suggestion and drop Prem to 6 teams (although I understand why that’s not a great idea).

Anyway, I’ll take the medal and see if we can’t pull something out of the bag and get a few wins :)



Quoted from Tomu


Doesn’t mean competition is any better. They have a few dominant teams that offer each other good competition and then the level just drops like it does here.

NA Plat has 3 top tier teams, two teams capable of beating those teams followed by a slow decline to the bottom of plat. As well as teams in gold than are significantly stronger than any in ETF2L high. While the top NA teams are stronger than here (end of season 8 HP/Chess may be just as strong) it is hard to overstate how much stronger the trailing pack in NA is than EU.

Things just feel so much healthier over there.

Source: Played NA Plat till RL kept putting me to sleep.



Quoted from Scissors


If we reduce the number of teams and increase the amount of games, we get closer games and more accurate seedings. It also makes prem more exclusive and desirable, which is a good thing, since you actually have to try to get in it again.

Scissors, your argument hasn’t changed since last season even though people expressed their strong negativity towards this kind of elitism.

I personally think that 6-team premiership could work, but if you want it to actually happen you will have to find other ways to persuade people.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Clark

I personally think that 6-team premiership could work, but if you want it to actually happen you will have to find other ways to persuade people.

Such as? It’s not like I can make up reasons why it’s a good idea, I have listed the legit reasons why it is, and honestly I can’t see any downsides to it. From what I am hearing, it seems like the two new teams themselves don’t even think they belong there, it’s just retarded filler at this point tbh


Quoted from Munky


Things just feel so much healthier over there.

Source: Played NA Plat till RL kept putting me to sleep.

It would be hard to deny that Highlander is not only taken much more seriously but the development of the meta and overall skill through divisions is higher than in EU. There’s too much “lol hl” here.



We applied mid and got put in high without submitting any screenshots.

HOWEVER, once I actually saw the divisions High is 100% worse than I was expecting so I actually feel it was prolly the right call.

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