It's never the medics fault]
Created 15th January 2015 @ 15:46
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Quoted from Permzilla
what the fuck is this discussion
played with this selsper guy in pickup. think he genuinely doesnt think it can ever be the medics fault. this extraordinarily useless discussion ensued
Quoted from Bobinsky
Last edited by skeej,
m8 medics can make people invincible how much easier can it get, whenever you die how can it not be their fault?
Quoted from MEGAMIDDIE
I’ll probably get flak for this, but there are plenty of frankly horrible medics who play or have played in relatively decent divs, that would never get away with it if they were playing say demoman at the same skill level. In those cases it’s quite often their fault.
Hey Kissakala is a legit Prem medic, unlike Bulow who couldn’t even get a run out versus Saints.
Yeah its always medics fault,thats why you need to pick something skillbased and usefull class like a heavy or pyro
Quoted from Phnx
blaming a medic for losing is most likely not true.
but medics in general can make mistakes.
I remember playing a pickup with byte and what he did was more than miracles:D
You should kiss
Quoted from Spreijer
Teammates should exchange feedback between each other in a neutral way, however in reality that rarely happens.
Whenever you die, it’s your fault, but if you do something sick like a 360 Mountain Dew sip 420 fedora tip noscope with your crossbow or escape a situation 1v3 with 3 ubersaws on someone, no one seems to give a shit. Kappa
Meds are like goalkeepers, unless you defend a penalty, no one even notices you on the field.
Quoted from kermit
Quoted from Permzilla
what the fuck is this discussion
Quoted from Dennia
pretty Dank
Quoted from Bulle
suck my dick perm tho
okay having dropped my demo twice in a row last pickup and he shouted at me
I can confirm it’s never the medics fault
Quoted from jakeowaty
Meds are like goalkeepers, unless you defend a penalty, no one even notices you on the field.
More like public cleaners,you don’t pay that much attention what they’re doing but you definitely know how important they are when they’re missing/bad
after our scrim vs chess jr
i needed this post
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