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It's never the medics fault]

Created 15th January 2015 @ 15:46

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As far as I can tell. It’s never the fault of the medic. People expect medics to run around and perform miracles, and they most certainly can. I’ve seen some real magic around here.

I wonder if this season we could get more respect for medics, instead of having them blamed for everything.





What are you even talking about? You think one can’t make mistakes on medic? Medic is one of the most difficult classes and it’s very easy to make mistakes on it.





What’s this about?


I’ll probably get flak for this, but there are plenty of frankly horrible medics who play or have played in relatively decent divs, that would never get away with it if they were playing say demoman at the same skill level. In those cases it’s quite often their fault.


(ETF2L Donator)

In most cases it is the medics fault though.
Medic is a difficult and tricky class to learn, and can be played with a multitude of playstyles. Some stuff works with some teams and some stuff doesn’t, it’s by all means your fault if you don’t know how to position yourself according to whats going on in the game or how your team is playing.


It is always medic’s fault. Add Acky ( http://etf2l.org/forum/user/39316/ ), retired medic, he’ll explain you how this works.
Doesn’t matter what happens it’s always medic’s fault. If you can’t claim fault as medic, just don’t play medic :D



Quoted from cmd

In most cases it is the medics fault though.
Medic is a difficult and tricky class to learn, and can be played with a multitude of playstyles. Some stuff works with some teams and some stuff doesn’t, it’s by all means your fault if you don’t know how to position yourself according to whats going on in the game or how your team is playing.

I agree with the first sentence condom B))))


Chosing horrible positions, ignoring scouts, not giving full buffs, spreading heals on too many weak targets insted of getting at least one to full health, shooting arrows when not needed, not having a clue about uber %`s, waiting for spawns to change while losing up to 30% uber, trying to be cool by holding on to ubers while your team mates die one by one, not knowing a map backwards.. by wich i mean being able to move/escape without looking where you are going but insted looking at whats shooting you… ehh i could go on..

How is any of that NOT the medics fault ?



Quoted from doks

Chosing horrible positions, ignoring scouts, not giving full buffs, spreading heals on too many weak targets insted of getting at least one to full health, shooting arrows when not needed, not having a clue about uber %`s, waiting for spawns to change while losing up to 30% uber, trying to be cool by holding on to ubers while your team mates die one by one, not knowing a map backwards.. by wich i mean being able to move/escape without looking where you are going but insted looking at whats shooting you… ehh i could go on..

How is any of that NOT the medics fault ?

It’s like I’m reading the summary of a single map for us.

san alex

It is medics fault, most of the times. Many medics have bad positioning, others think there is skill in surfing rockets when the skill is dodging rockets. Most medics could avoid dying If they had a shred of game sense that’s the truth.

Last edited by san alex,

Its always tempting to blaim everything on your team when you lose, and this goes for every class.


(Legendary Ratehacks)

there is only one good medic in etf2l and thats mirelin you can never blame him

PS: its always the medics fault #lobbylife


(Toucan Ambassador)

It genuinely is always my fault 8)

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