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Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2

Created 10th December 2014 @ 08:50

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Quoted from Meeto

We’ve gotten by this long without Valves support, why would that suddenly change now? Because they didn’t respond to a letter? If Valve ends up taking an interest (and they have if the matchmaking rumours are to be believed) then great. If they don’t, well, no use crying about it. I suppose it’s a bigger problem in America where the only real league they have is ESEA, ran by jews, instead of a community league ran by Germans.

which one is better though

Last edited by jx53,



There’s only one way to find out. Fight!



Quoted from ducky


What are you talking about, Permzilla is british :D

He’s but a puppet.



Quoted from ducky


What are you talking about, Permzilla is british :D

+rep for trying keep up the façade!


Quoted from ducky


What are you talking about, Permzilla is british :D

He always gets outvoted 2:1 though. Also your flag is German so it’s obvious where you stand.

Last edited by CHERRY,

Wait, some yahoo somewhere on the internet says that TF2 is dead?




I would quit CSGO and come back to tf2 right now if there was ranked matchmaking.

Its just way more appealing to press 1 button in CSGO and get a match in 20 seconds than to wait 20 minutes to find 2 medics to play with usually terribad players in tf2center.

I wish you could create a party in tf2 center and click a “I dont care what map” button to find a match instead of joining one of the 5 lobbies all waiting for medics.

Last edited by dodgydogman,


Quoted from fraac

There’s only one way to find out. Fight!

They already have, German’s dominated and the rest of the world had to break it up.


Last edited by Meeto,


UbeR |

Quoted from dodgydogman

I would quit CSGO and come back to tf2 right now if there was ranked matchmaking.

Its just way more appealing to press 1 button in CSGO and get a match in 20 seconds than to wait 20 minutes to find 2 medics to play with usually terribad players in tf2center.

I wish you could create a party in tf2 center and click a “I dont care what map” button to find a match instead of joining one of the 5 lobbies all waiting for medics.

CS:GO has 4 times the active players than TF2, let alone the fact that you’re playing 1 role instead of 9 classes like we do.

It’s pretty naive to wish for this if you can see how bad the system would become in it’s current state.

Mind you, the Valve team has taken on several outside contractors to work on competitive matchmaking for TF2 and there still is 0,0 done in terms of open or closed testing of this with current competitive players.


Quoted from dodgydogman

I would quit CSGO and come back to tf2 right now if there was ranked matchmaking.

Its just way more appealing to press 1 button in CSGO and get a match in 20 seconds than to wait 20 minutes to find 2 medics to play with usually terribad players in tf2center.

I wish you could create a party in tf2 center and click a “I dont care what map” button to find a match instead of joining one of the 5 lobbies all waiting for medics.

Dodgy <3



Quoted from kKaltUu

CS:GO has 4 times the active players than TF2

Actually the number is much bigger, since a huge percent of tf2 playerbase does not give a shit about the actual game at all, sitting on trade_plaza trying to sell stout shako for 2 refind.


Cause all csgo player actually play with the matchmaking, sur.


Quoted from kKaltUu

Mind you, the Valve team has taken on several outside contractors to work on competitive matchmaking for TF2 and there still is 0,0 done in terms of open or closed testing of this with current competitive players.

Or it is so closed that no one has told you :)


Dr. med.

Quoted from kKaltUu

Mind you, the Valve team has taken on several outside contractors to work on competitive matchmaking for TF2 […]

They have? How do you know? Can you elaborate on that? That sounds interesting.



Everyone is so hyped about matchmaking and what not. But has anyone stopped to think how the matchmaking will work? Wasn’t Valve the one that said that they only have interest in 12v12 with all unlocks? I don’t know if 6v6 will even be in the so hyped matchmaking. It’s probably just me that’s always looking at the bad side of everything and that has no hope in this game anymore. Highlander is a bigger opportunity than 6v6 and I still think that the “casual” community will transform this matchmaking thing in just a big and full of flukes abomination. Just like the Silver Ranks in CS:GO. It is indeed cool to have something that we all hoped for since 2007 in this game, but we have no idea on how it is, given the fact that all the rumors about this are just pure speculation and nothing has been confirmed officially or no announcement has been posted by Valve saying that TF2 is now a so acclaimed esport and that the matchmaking thing will be the biggest boner we will ever get.

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