Steam Broadcasting
Created 3rd December 2014 @ 07:54
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This should be fun. (Am I late?)
Can you like enable/disable it?
Hopefully this is the case, if you’re practicing something no one knows about everyone can spy on you!
Something about this makes me think that there can be big security holes in that as it’s in beta too if you can stream your desktop even and not just the game, but this is just me being paranoid I guess.
It’s interesting however, it does seem simple to use and it’s not limited to Steam-only games, but I don’t know will ghosting be a bigger issue because of this and how it could be helped with.
Quoted from Bob Bami
Can you like enable/disable it?
Hopefully this is the case, if you’re practicing something no one knows about everyone can spy on you!
Yes you can disable it, I think when someone tries to “watch” you for the first time, you get a few options to allow (or not) certain groups to watch you.
Does it influence your internet connection or pc in any way or is it streamed via steam servers or something?
Quoted from Relior
Does it influence your internet connection or pc in any way or is it streamed via steam servers or something?
The faq states you can edit bitrate settings etc so I’m sure it uses your bandwidth.
Quoted from Relior
Does it influence your internet connection or pc in any way or is it streamed via steam servers or something?
its just like streaming with obs
my experience was that internet went to shit when someone starts watching and game stutters just like with obs
its great for casual games, or quick show me how things… but i would imagine anyone serious about tf2/cs will not be using it as daily streaming method since twitch is so much better
Last edited by AnimaL,
it’s not great
got huge stutters on cs:go where I usually wouldn’t see any diff on OBS
it’s in beta, you shouldn’t expect OBS level, hopefully they will inprove it so it’s barely noticable.
Then it would be a great feature
Quoted from Bob Bami
it’s in beta, you shouldn’t expect OBS level, hopefully they will inprove it so it’s barely noticable.
Then it would be a great feature
I’m just saying, it’s not the end of the world as twitch knows it. There’s a long way to go
Quoted from Relior
Does it influence your internet connection or pc in any way or is it streamed via steam servers or something?
Imagine if they made a way to upload a TF2 demo live which is then processed on their end and sent out as video real time – that would be fucking sick.
Had a quick go with it last night, my observations:
Cannot output more than 30fps. I usually stream on twitch with 60 and the quality drop is obviously noticeable.
Anything other than 16:9 gets butchered with the resolution settings, r.i.p. 16:10 stream.
In game overlay is sweet, including chat in game, bandwidth usage and current viewers. I wish I was able to have something like this for twitch/obs without having to buy a second monitor.
I think my main gripe beyond the settings (which, as the feature gets more development time will become more fleshed out) is the way starting a broadcast is handled – the always on attitude is kinda worrying when the option to stream desktop is available, and leads to some interesting questions about privacy and whatnot.
I dunno. It might end up like a bunch of other projects Valve ends up starting and it doesn’t get the featureset it deserves. Will be interesting to see develop over time.
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