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I don't have Dx8, but I can't see any killstreak affects!

Created 5th September 2014 @ 00:10

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My friends all have killstreak weapons. When we mess around on a empty server, and they get a 5 killstreak, everyone can see the effects accept me. Is there a setting for this or something else in my computer? Plz help! (i have Dx11 by the way)


oh no :(


Any ideas anyone?


try reinstalling the game



wait what! they get a 5 killstreak and you dont! wait what.. that is cruel. and you dont have dx8! thats cruel! maybe 5 killstreak is just not for you..


Omg end of the world :0



im sorry to tell you this, but you must let your friends go..
no 5 killstreak, no friendship! you are just a burden to your friends. you and your friends mess on a empty server because they are ashamed of you. no 5 killstreak, no friends..



Are you running any fps config?


Guy has an issue, kindly asks for help
Receives pre-teen levels of trolling in return

come on guys


If you’re running an fps config, it may have set mat_phong to 0. Setting it to 1 should turn the killstreak effects back on.


i checked your inventory and you DONT have any SPECIALIZED Killstreak weapons, there are 3 types of Killstreaks:

Normal – Only shows how many kills you did on your HUD and Killfeed
Specialized – Shows the amount of kills on your HUD + Killfeed AND Gives you a Weapon Sheen
Professional – Does what the other 2 + Gives you special Eye effects on 5+ Ks

So buy yourself a Specialized Ks Kit and apply it on your weapon, if you want an effect



Quoted from Popcorp

i checked your inventory and you DONT have any SPECIALIZED Killstreak weapons, there are 3 types of Killstreaks:

Normal – Only shows how many kills you did on your HUD and Killfeed
Specialized – Shows the amount of kills on your HUD + Killfeed AND Gives you a Weapon Sheen
Professional – Does what the other 2 + Gives you special Eye effects on 5+ Ks

So buy yourself a Specialized Ks Kit and apply it on your weapon, if you want an effect

He is talking about seeing other players killstreak effects, not his own.


Quoted from ChickenM1

accept me.

can’t do m9


ok sorry then, mis read i guess

i have Mat_specular 0 and Mat_phong 0 and i can still see Sheens, dont think those commands are involved

Last edited by Popcorp,



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