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Created 31st August 2014 @ 16:01

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Quoted from smultron

2 scouts
2 soldiers
1 demo

enforcing one demo isn’t a good idea imo as it will unbalance the teams if someone plays it who doesn’t actually wants to but just waits for a scout/solly spot, so the only other real option is allowing a sniper, if you insist on 5v5 of course ;)


Quoted from letto

enforcing one demo isn’t a good idea imo as it will unbalance the teams if someone plays it who doesn’t actually wants to but just waits for a scout/solly spot, so the only other real option is allowing a sniper, if you insist on 5v5 of course ;)

Your argument is stupid.

People who either main scout or soldier can’t always play their class in dm and get forced to play other classes.

With that said the class restrictions should be 5 scouts 5 solly and 5 demo and 5 sniper so that everyone can play the class they want to play!!!!!!!!!1111111111111


funny reply, cause playing soldier as a scout main or vice versa is exactly as much a difference between say scout and demo Keepo


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from letto

enforcing one demo isn’t a good idea imo as it will unbalance the teams if someone plays it who doesn’t actually wants to but just waits for a scout/solly spot, so the only other real option is allowing a sniper, if you insist on 5v5 of course ;)

I dont agree with that, the entire reason to enforce 1 demo is to balance it so 3 soldiers/scouts wont destroy everything and make it boring and useless practice

Last edited by smultron,



– Changed the class limits: 2x Soldier, 2x Scout, 1x Demo, 1x Sniper
– Updated cp_logjam_b20pre3 to b20
– Updated its spawns.

misha YB`g


Quoted from LaMqTa

– Changed the class limits: 2x Soldier, 2x Scout, 1x Demo, 1x Sniper
– Updated cp_logjam_b20pre3 to b20
– Updated its spawns.



class limit is great, but snipers…. can’t have everything I guess.


Quoted from LaMqTa

– Changed the class limits: 2x Soldier, 2x Scout, 1x Demo, 1x Sniper
– Updated cp_logjam_b20pre3 to b20
– Updated its spawns.

Quoted from misha YB`g

[…] nice!



Honestly the 3 soldier 3 scout thing was bad, but after playing with snipers pls give it back



Quoted from LaMqTa

– Changed the class limits: 2x Soldier, 2x Scout, 1x Demo, 1x Cancer
– Updated cp_logjam_b20pre3 to b20
– Updated its spawns.



Dm the only place where I could play the game in peace without having to see snipers rage over being focused too much RIP



Looks like it’s really hard to make everybody happy. SO started a poll and it will be open for 1 week and then i will change the classlimits. The sniper will stay for now!

http://strawpoll.me/4410832 – EVERYBODY PLS

Last edited by LaMqTa,


Maybe make it 4v4 and then 5v5 if people use reserved slots? Otherwise with 2 scouts 2 soldiers and a demo its 5v5 max and reserved slots won’t be useful since they can’t play a 6th class. So 8 slots normally, and 10 for donators.

(assuming 2x soldier 2x scout 1xdemo is what the class limits become)

Last edited by AB,



Quoted from AB

Maybe make it 4v4 and then 5v5 if people use reserved slots? Otherwise with 2 scouts 2 soldiers and a demo its 5v5 max and reserved slots won’t be useful since they can’t play a 6th class. So 8 slots normally, and 10 for donators.

(assuming 2x soldier 2x scout 1xdemo is what the class limits become)

Donators use the normal reserved slots(player is kicked when a donator/player with reserved slot joins) so there is always an open class for them. We have two extra reserved slots for admins when the whole server is full with donators/admins.


I know i’m going to get flamed for this but if there has to be a sniper
-remove SMG damge if you havent
-Headshot=Instakill (every headshot does 420 damge :D )
-no Bodyshots/No scopes
And maybe if that isn’t too complicated you could change the class limit every day. So that one day sniper is allowed and the next day he isnt –> everyones happy

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