Getting into competitive play
Created 14th August 2014 @ 12:18
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Hi all,
I am a vet CS clan player but have always enjoyed TF2 and have decided I would like to get into playing this competitively.
I see it looks quite tough to get into a clan with a lot of expectations with topping public servers not quite cutting it lol
What is the best way in for someone new to the competitive side of TF2?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Just look on the entry level recruitment forums, for example the Highlander Open recruitment forums on this site, or UGC’s recruitment forums.
You need to buy unusual hat and australium weapons first. Then you can go here and get some practice
If you like 6v6, which is more of an esport than highlander, then you could play a lot of and you’ll get a team easily if you’re nice and not completely terrible.
Quoted from fraac
If you like 6v6, which is more of an esport than highlander
Which is more of a dm than highlander, you mean
Firstly ,you should pick a gamemode and class of your liking.
Highlander is basically pub with time limit so maybe you want to try that first.
6v6 can seem more complex on the first look but it’s very easy to learn regardless.
As I play nothing but 6s I can only give you advice there though.
6v6 is played with 2 scouts,2 sollys,1 demo and 1 medic by default though you can use any class as long as it’s within the class limits (you could go 1 engi,2 spies,1 heavy and whatnot but the standard lineup happens to be the most consistent one)
Being a CS vet I reckon you’ll do best on scout,could also try soldier though.
Try to stick away from demo and medic until you get a rough idea of how 6s work,these classes are harder to learn and your teammates will probably rage at you for playing them without knowing what to do (though that’s always an option for every class :D)
Once you’ve decided on your class just play some lobbies/pugs. See the most common maps,learn the healthpack spots,the points,the captimes,the rollout routes….basic stuff.
You can do that here:
There’s lobbies/pugs for every region
After that you can get a bit more into the details by reading up on competitive sources like
Just type in a map,class,role whatever you want and it will give you a (somewhat) detailed explanation of how they work,where to go as what class,what the spotnames are etc.
When deciding on a team I recommend you trying to get into a patient,nice and friendly team over some people who may be good,but assholes at the same time.
Lastly you might want to ask around and try to get a mentor for the class/role that you end up wanting to play.
Having someone guide you is so much easier when learning comp than having to read up on everything yourself
Hope that helped :D
Thanks for the quick replies guys really appreciate your help!
hmm what are the minimum hours played to use
Quoted from Kengur
Which is more of a dm than highlander, you mean
I mean it’s more like comp cs.
Quoted from Gunner
hmm what are the minimum hours played to use
I think it’s 500
Here is a thread in dedicated to storing all major recourses for TF2 stuff. Might want to take a look.
Last edited by Roks,
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