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Created 2nd July 2014 @ 13:53

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Quoted from Spike Himself

If you could have a page for a singular challenge, then you can still use irc and include the url to your challenge in your search message. That way eventually all the irc folk will move to this website.

People that are saying this website is unnecessary because irc works fine – you are only half right. IRC does work fine, but I think you misjudge how many people use irc only for finding games. Many people go to a website to use webchat to get on irc. This website seems the ideal solution for everyone imo.

[kKaltUu: How are you going to cope with no shows, subs or even divisional quality control.]

The same applies to any system, including #tf.wars. I think this is outside the scope of the project anyway. It provides a way for 2 teams to find each other and in the video it looks like it does that pretty well.

Thanks for your very good objective response! You seem to have articulated what I’ve been trying to say to people pretty well. Do you mind if I quote this an FAQ please :)? But yeh, what you say on both counts its exactly right! A rep system may become necessary further down the line, but won’t be in any beta.

Quoted from Wulf

I don’t know if I just didn’t understand things right but what I got is people are asking for a sub system but why would you need a sub system for a site that just helps you get a game of a team/mix vs another. if you are playing a mix or a pcw you will anyways get subs yourself. Please correct me if I misunderstood.

You understand things the same way I envisioned it. The site is for a complete team who is seeking another complete team. While the sub/ringer is a good idea, it’s more of an add-on feature. If there is enough support for it it’s definitely something I can work towards.

I’ve set up a tiny survey on the homepage and would love people to select the URL they prefer – tf2mix.com or tf2scrim.com. You have to log in through Steam so I can stop people voting twice. If you’re skeptical, just check the URL you are on after “sign in through Steam” and rest assured, all that get’s returned to me is your Steam ID and a confirmation you are who you say you are.

Thanks again for all the supportive comments and suggestions everyone! I’m taking it all on board :)


(ETF2L Donator)

sweet, then my laziness when it comes to finding scrims might be less of a problem



Nice job, hopefully HL will take to this because as far as im aware nobody uses IRC for HL scrims and its almost impossible to find a last minute scrim unless you get lucky on the HL steam group.



look really nice!


Thanks again everyone. Just in case anyone is still watching this thread here is a small development update on what I’ve added to the site over the last week.


[*] “League” selector which gives access to better variety of divs
[*] Auto connect to server
[*] Probable change to tf2scrim.com
[*] Some other small updates

If you know the American divs better than I do (which you probably do) please feel free to correct what I have on the site!

Extended version in commentary/demonstration form:


Sofa King

Quoted from casperr

Thanks again everyone. Just in case anyone is still watching this thread here is a small development update on what I’ve added to the site over the last week.


[*] “League” selector which gives access to better variety of divs
[*] Auto connect to server
[*] Probable change to tf2scrim.com
[*] Some other small updates

If you know the American divs better than I do (which you probably do) please feel free to correct what I have on the site!

Extended version in commentary/demonstration form:


This looks fantastic!
– This is a really easy and convenient way for new players to find games!
A suggestion: Would it be an idea to write a quick guide for new players, to understand how divisions work etc?



You could use zeroclipboard to make a button to copy the connect string to clipboard: https://github.com/zeroclipboard/zeroclipboard

Spike Himself


Quoted from casperr


Thanks for your very good objective response! You seem to have articulated what I’ve been trying to say to people pretty well. Do you mind if I quote this an FAQ please :)?

Feel free, they are only words :)

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to using this.


Hey everyone, tf2scrim.com is now live in open beta so please check it out and feel free to spread the word. Any suggestions or issues please let me know ideally in the Steam group but here or directly to me is fine too.

Also, a very kind player named Cherry had the domain scrim.tf and has kindly donated it to this site! So there is a vote on the site over tf2scrim.com vs scrim.tf so please let me know your thoughts on that too and we may end up changing the domain again, but this would definitely be the last! xD haha

Thanks :)


Scrim.tf ftw





nice, spread the word gamers



It doesn’t have a ‘time’ field. If the point is to find last-minute scrims then I won’t stop using irc.


Quoted from fraac

It doesn’t have a ‘time’ field. If the point is to find last-minute scrims then I won’t stop using irc.

Hey mmm, right now it is only as you say “last-minute scrims”, but we will implement a future scrims functionality by the end of the week!

Spike Himself


Maybe you shouldn’t explicitly differentiate between instant scrims and scheduled ones. Give everyone a date/time input field and/or a checkbox or something, so they can choose between “right now” and, for example, “in 14 minutes”. Just a thought.

If people want to actively schedule ahead for several days I imagine they will do that over steam friends anyway, I don’t imagine this website will be used for that much, if at all. Then again perhaps it will be the new thing to do, who knows :)

Last edited by Spike Himself,

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