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Created 2nd July 2014 @ 13:53

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It’s IRC running on a webpage with cool images, a steam login button and sounds? Not really sure how you’re going to get people to stop using IRC to use this.

That said I would use it if you could a) specify exactly who you are, team etc and b) specific a day/time in a calendar like fashion. At higher divs people don’t use IRC as much, they just have other leaders on steam and arrange games in advance because the chance of finding a random div2 game on IRC is a lot lower than say div4. If I could say we want to play a div2 team at this day/time though and people challenged that would be fucking useful.


hey everyone, thanks for your comments.

The idea is not to compete with or replace IRC but to offer an alternative. I don’t expect anyone who finds IRC perfect to move to something they think is less-than-perfect. It’s aimed at people who don’t like, understand or want to use IRC for whatever reason.

A few people have mentioned about teams having a profile and diary. It’s quite a big development on top of what is already there, so not something I plan to include in the initial release as it would push it back months. But definitely sounds like something people would appreciate being added so I will work on something and keep the community updated!

Quoted from kKaltUu

Seems like a cool site, we checked the video when it came out. The two main concerns we had were: usability, the video shows that challenges aren’t working. How are you going to cope with no shows, subs or even divisional quality control.
Second one is saturation, tf2center and tf2pickup are already competing with similar products.

Thanks for your feedback there. Challenges work right now – someone clicks “challenge” and the host gets an alert. The host either denies and waits for more challenges or accepts and connects/adds the challenger. If the challenger’s team doesn’t show then the host can either add the challenger and/or host another mix. I can’t force people not to lie about their div. If enough call comes up for it we can create team/player profiles where rep can be added, but it will be difficult to gauge the necessity for that until the site has been live for a while.
Both tf2center and tf2pickup seem to look for individuals to play. While stacking could be an option, I don’t think that’s what they are designed for. TF2mix.com is designed for it exactly. Of course, this is a community project and I would rather merge with an analogue than compete with it, but other than IRCs there doesn’t seem to be a graphical interface for mixes and scrims.


(TF2Pickup.net Unicorn)

so this is for teams only then, right?
tf2mix is a badly chosen name then imho, should be tf2scrim or so.
rather confusing


or scrim.tf, but this one’s taken :D



Quoted from Kuferl

so this is for teams only then, right?
tf2mix is a badly chosen name then imho, should be tf2scrim or so.
rather confusing

change the name i was like “this is useless” but then i checked it out and its pretty good just pls change the name


Quoted from Kuferl

so this is for teams only then, right?
tf2mix is a badly chosen name then imho, should be tf2scrim or so.
rather confusing

Try typing tf2scrim . com in the address bar :)
The creator rented that address as well


Quoted from Twist


Try typing tf2scrim . com in the address bar :)
The creator rented that address as well

He did it after suggestion afaik


Quoted from CHERRY

He did it after suggestion afaik

yep, he did it yesterday


(TF2Pickup.net Unicorn)

can’t know if it’s not mentioned^^

Spike Himself


If you could have a page for a singular challenge, then you can still use irc and include the url to your challenge in your search message. That way eventually all the irc folk will move to this website.

People that are saying this website is unnecessary because irc works fine – you are only half right. IRC does work fine, but I think you misjudge how many people use irc only for finding games. Many people go to a website to use webchat to get on irc. This website seems the ideal solution for everyone imo.

Quoted from kKaltUu

How are you going to cope with no shows, subs or even divisional quality control.

The same applies to any system, including #tf.wars. I think this is outside the scope of the project anyway. It provides a way for 2 teams to find each other and in the video it looks like it does that pretty well.

Last edited by Spike Himself,


Quoted from Spike Himself

If you could have a page for a singular challenge, then you can still use irc and include the url to your challenge in your search message. That way eventually all the irc folk will move to this website.

People that are saying this website is unnecessary because irc works fine – you are only half right. IRC does work fine, but I think you misjudge how many people use irc only for finding games. Many people go to a website to use webchat to get on irc. This website seems the ideal solution for everyone imo.


The same applies to any system, including #tf.wars. I think this is outside the scope of the project anyway. It provides a way for 2 teams to find each other and in the video it looks like it does that pretty well.

You could make a rep system like on those carpooling websites!



I don’t know if I just didn’t understand things right but what I got is people are asking for a sub system but why would you need a sub system for a site that just helps you get a game of a team/mix vs another. if you are playing a mix or a pcw you will anyways get subs yourself. Please correct me if I misunderstood.

Is it possible to implement merc offering and merc search? Since teams are looking it seems to be useful. Obviously not top priority but could be fun :-)

Last edited by Peign slays dragons,



Yeah, incorporating the “can merc tonight” thread would be a great feature.


i like the idea, and i think when u press the name or the picture of poster of the challenge, it should be showing the ETF2L profile, not steam profile. also, the merc search system would be awesome. i like the idea tho

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