can we please get a new HL mix site?
Created 27th June 2014 @ 20:56
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Wiethoofd, people are clearly saying that as well as balancing you need the ability to set a minimum skill requirement. You can use the same ratings for this, no?
Quoted from fraac
Wiethoofd, people are clearly saying that as well as balancing you need the ability to set a minimum skill requirement. You can use the same ratings for this, no?
I mentioned earlier that that is theoretically possible, but atm it’s unclear if a skill/rating for medic correlates to similar numbers on other classes (not enough Highlander pickups played for sufficient test data, such vicious cycle), so there might be more needed than just a ‘minimum rank/rating level’ as a requirement to enter pickups (if there is going to be a ‘skill limiter/requirement’ option).
I’m still baffled at the fact, that after 6 pages of discussion no one even thought about giving a chance. You just shot this site down and moved on.
Quoted from jakeowaty
I’m still baffled at the fact, that after 6 pages of discussion no one even thought about giving a chance. You just shot this site down and moved on.
here is the answer
Quoted from Hajdzik
That’s the problem everyone thinks someone should do something and not actually do something himself.
There always were just a few people actually doing something while the majority was just sitting down whining and if they were in the mood of actually doing something they were just trolling, killing your projects.
Some people just wont use any kind of system no matter how good it is and wont play unless you do it for them – organize their time, gather players, give them a server (for free of course!), even start the game for them.
Quoted from Mors Immortalis
here is the answer
[…]There always were just a few people actually doing something while the majority was just sitting down whining and if they were in the mood of actually doing something they were just trolling, killing your projects.
Some people just wont use any kind of system no matter how good it is and wont play unless you do it for them – organize their time, gather players, give them a server (for free of course!), even start the game for them.
After fixing some stuff about the site itself, tf2pickup will create a steamgroup specificially for high level HL pickups. So I see no reason that people shouldn’t play there once the steamgroup gets going.
High level highlander players are now officially confirmed idiots.
Quoted from Collaide
High level highlander players are now officially confirmed idiots.
What the did you just say about me? I’ll have you know I’m former top elite Soldier in Highlander, and I’ve been involved in numerous leagues and cups in ETF2l and UGC, and I have over 300 confirmed Double airshots on my record. I am trained in MGE and I’m the top Rockt jumpper in the entire Finaland. You are nothing to me but just another guy, another name to add on my list. I will wipe you out with airshot the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the EU and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re dead, kid. I can be any server, anytime, and I can airshot you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my vanilla rocketlauncher. Not only am I extensively trained in MGE combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Highlander unlocks and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will spam all over you and you will perish in it. You’re dead, kiddo.
Quoted from Collaide
High level highlander players are now officially confirmed idiots.
y no love for Prem players like jake? ;_;
Quoted from SabaSaba
Personally, I played double mixes back in the day before it got too serious. My best HL memories are when we played mirror maps, everybody was silly or drunk and all teams were picked by fat kid system. Nowadays I just can’t find anything interesting in these double mixes. Bring back drunk mirror map fat kids! And that’s really what started it all.
Haha, good times! I remember playing cp_tiplevarg and getting raped by J0rmund a lot.
In honesty, I always preferred the spreadsheet to the IRC channel but it isn’t difficult at all to use IRC. You don’t need a web front end for everything, but I guess for lazy people it’s just one less thing to do.
Not sure if this is just for me, but on tf2pickup when I am in the 6v6 channel for example, it says there’s 0 out of 18 players in highlander, then when I move over to this channel I see that there’s actually a few players added. Is this a bug? It’s a bit misleading and also there’s a higher chance of people adding up for one of the other game modes if they see that others have too.
Last edited by Russian Guyovich,
I’m sorry, but why not simply promote via I didn’t know about this service untill I came across this post by accident.
I’d also would like to see some service to organise scrims. Right now people use a number of steam groups for this, things get messy.
Quoted from Kengur
I’m sorry, but why not simply promote via I didn’t know about this service untill I came across this post by accident.
I’d also would like to see some service to organise scrims. Right now people use a number of steam groups for this, things get messy.
why would tf2center advertise a competing service
Quoted from Kengur
I’m sorry, but why not simply promote via I didn’t know about this service untill I came across this post by accident.
I’d also would like to see some service to organise scrims. Right now people use a number of steam groups for this, things get messy.
They already blacklisted the url some while ago (not anymore though), so no ty :P
Quoted from ondkaja
why would tf2center advertise a competing service
Because nobody is making a profit out of all this, and even thinking something like a pickup can damage tf2center numbers is laughable.
Quoted from Kuferl
They already blacklisted the url some while ago (not anymore though), so no ty :P
Those greedy corporate jerks and their shady agendas…
Last edited by Kengur,
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