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Major Update for 18/06/14

Created 19th June 2014 @ 03:40

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Mors Immortalis


Quoted from Kaneco


(…) there’s no reason you should be rewarded a free 190 dmg kritz for hitting with a melee weapon, no other class is rewarded so much for basically nothing.

Out of context, I know :)
Same weapon mechanic http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Bushwacka minus airblast but with the standard base damage.


The axtinguisher would be perfectly acceptable as it was if there was no flare gun, and the flare gun would be acceptable if there was no axtinguisher, as it stood, those 2 unlocks give an unfair advantage with free/near free critical hits on a class that’s not designed to be a damage dealer.

Why on earth do you think its acceptable for a class to have a combo of 280+ dmg without even having kritzkrieg? There is no other class in the game that could have such a huge combo damage per second without kritz.

The nerf was called for a long time to the flare or to the axtinguisher, it doesnt matter, but the degreaser / axtinguisher / flare combo was too powerful at close range and on a class where your primary already requires near 0 aim there’s no reason to reward critical hits for a shot on target.

Whether it is the flare or the axtinguisher. I would be fine with a single of these, but the 2 together was not ok.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved playing the combo pyro and destroying pubs or even lobbies with it but it still doesn’t make it ok, nor the role of the class should be the one of a dmg dealer / cleanup.

Last edited by Kaneco,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Kaneco

The axtinguisher would be perfectly acceptable as it was if there was no flare gun, and the flare gun would be acceptable if there was no axtinguisher, as it stood, those 2 unlocks give an unfair advantage with free/near free critical hits on a class that’s not designed to be a damage dealer.

Why on earth do you think its acceptable for a class to have a combo of 280+ dmg without even having kritzkrieg? There is no other class in the game that could have such a huge combo damage per second without kritz.

The nerf was called for a long time to the flare or to the axtinguisher, it doesnt matter, but the degreaser / axtinguisher / flare combo was too powerful at close range and on a class where your primary already requires near 0 aim there’s no reason to reward critical hits for a shot on target.

Whether it is the flare or the axtinguisher. I would be fine with a single of these, but the 2 together was not ok.

It’s a close-range class, naturally the pyro should excel in 1on1 close-up encounters?

I don’t really give a shit about the axtinguisher nerf as I only used it to kill heavies, but I don’t really see why it was necessarry. Maybe from a pub perspective, but otherwise not, seeing as pyros are usually among the least effective killers in competitive, unless you are steve.


Quoted from Kaneco

Don’t get me wrong, I loved playing the combo pyro and destroying pubs or even lobbies with it but it still doesn’t make it ok, nor the role of the class should be the one of a dmg dealer / cleanup.


like i have said a million times, it’s not OP against retards. try it in premiership HL and see how well you and your team do.


Quoted from Scissors

Maybe from a pub perspective, but otherwise not, seeing as pyros are usually among the least effective killers in competitive, unless you are steve.

I play loads of pubs and only shit kids use the axe a lot, I’m alright at pyro in pubs seen as pyro dm is so easy and the flare gun is a much better weapon for everything besides heavies in most situations so it’s basically just another situation where people cried over the weapon and valve changed it because of that.


Quoted from Candle


i totally understand this post because you never played anything above div 4 HL and thus have no idea what you are saying. try getting good and playing against good players, your opinion will change!


says the guy who got into some circlejerk and skipped all the divs :^)

i didn’t play in div 2+ (tho i played in mixes with and against high div players), yes, but it doesn’t mean i don’t know how game works or how people play in prem.

p.s: and instead of saying that LOL NO HIGH DIV EXP. = WRONG OPINION, try saying i’m wrong and say why, don’t use a pathetic No high exp = wrong opinion by default excuse.

Last edited by Popcorp,

Quoted from Candle

i totally understand this post because you never played anything above div 4 HL and thus have no idea what you are saying. try getting good and playing against good players, your opinion will change!

1. “Try getting good” – Your arrogance stinks! Are you proud of being good at a videogame that has a super tiny competetive scene?
2. Prem is like 1-2% of the competetive community. Therefore you should NOT ask prem players but everyone else.

Quoted from Candle

like i have said a million times, it’s not OP against retards. try it in premiership HL and see how well you and your team do.

3. So basically Prem is free of retards? Guess what, I’ve just found one.

Last edited by Peign slays dragons,



Quoted from Peign slays dragons


1. “Try getting good” – Your arrogance stinks! Are you proud of being good at a videogame that had a super tiny competetive scene?
2. Prem is like 1-2% or the competetive community. Therefore you should NOT ask prem players but everyone else.


3. So basically Prem is free of retards? Guess what, I’ve just found one.

holy shit get rekt

Last edited by rytis,



You guys are like pub nublets complaining about pyro on youtube comments fucking lol.

I like that there are demo mains saying nerfing axt was a good move. Its just the fucking same with nerfing sticky. Where’s the empathy? Hell now that I’ve seen this, I just wish sticky nerf wasn’t reverted.


Quoted from Peign slays dragons


3. So basically Prem is free of retards? Guess what, I’ve just found one.


In all seriousness, he is right. Anyone with a brain realises you can walk backwards and shoot in tf2 for a reason.


Quoted from MCbanana


Looks like the last season hasnt gone to well for your team either i wonder if it affects the validity of our opinions but nah i guess not. Youre still bretty retardet 8()

So you blindly judge by results and have the need to call someone retarded to win an argument?
Uhmmmm okay


Quoted from Max

You guys are like pub nublets complaining about pyro on youtube comments fucking lol.

I like that there are demo mains saying nerfing axt was a good move. Its just the fucking same with nerfing sticky. Where’s the empathy? Hell now that I’ve seen this, I just wish sticky nerf wasn’t reverted.

Even though I agree with you, the axtinguisher nerf was not as game changing as the demoman nerf since pubs, 6v6 and 9v9 often revolves around demomen.



Doesn’t demo have a melee that does a ‘free’ 150 damage?

You know, to go with the 50 damage that badly aimed stickies do, and the ability to disrupt movement, and the high mobility that allows them to get in range to use their melee quickly.



Demo is easy even with nerf


Quoted from Popcorp



says the guy who got into some circlejerk and skipped all the divs :^)

i didn’t play in div 2+ (tho i played in mixes with and against high div players), yes, but it doesn’t mean i don’t know how game works or how people play in prem.

p.s: and instead of saying that LOL NO HIGH DIV EXP. = WRONG OPINION, try saying i’m wrong and say why, don’t use a pathetic No high exp = wrong opinion by default excuse.

I played heavy in div6 for some friends, I was with SIAS in plat (div1-2 at the time), I skipped maybe 2-3 divs… only because I was good. I didn’t even know Atomicus when he asked me to play for SIAS, no circlejerk there I’m afraid. Also I already explained why axtinguisher was never broken, can’t blame me for assuming you’re retarded for not understanding it :(

And I didn’t say “NO HIGH DIV EXP = INVALID OPINION”, I said “if you can’t stay at a range at most times and kill/avoid the pyro, I’m guessing you’re a shit player, and that it’s YOUR fault you’re getting caught out, not the axtinguisher’s.” Only AFTER that did I link people’s lack of experience against/with proper players with their inability to see why the axtinguisher was never broken, and was actually worse (less reliable) than powerjack on most maps

Quoted from Peign slays dragons


1. “Try getting good” – Your arrogance stinks! Are you proud of being good at a videogame that has a super tiny competetive scene?
2. Prem is like 1-2% of the competetive community. Therefore you should NOT ask prem players but everyone else.


3. So basically Prem is free of retards? Guess what, I’ve just found one.

I only said “try getting good” or whatever to people who keep whining about the axtinguisher because they don’t know how to play against it. If you get mowed down by a heavy you ran into, you’re not going to whine about the heavy, but if you run into a pyro that axtinguishes you, you will. That’s not fair. And by retards I meant bad players, and, yes, prem has little of those. As in, rarely will someone go and run into you and let you kill them, which is what everyone is QQing about with the axtinguisher.

Last edited by Candle,

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