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Major Update for 18/06/14

Created 19th June 2014 @ 03:40

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So they pushed back the stickybomb launcher to the secondary position of the demo’s loadout where it belonged, but what if they restore his high damage output by increasing the grenade launcher’s capacity to 6 pipes. After all it has 6 chambers and the demo is drunk enough to put 4 in one chamber.


Quoted from PdH

mobas like LoL and Dota, but only if you are korean

mobas? woah there, no need to turn to peasantry. csgo


Quoted from Tom Spillfat

How was demoman even overpowered? If we look at 6s, yes, demo topped damage. But the pocket was often not that far behind. And the pocket doesnt share demos close range weakness (well, this goes for roamer too). And rockets are easier to land in medium range. Demo also lacked the reliability of soldiers hitscan. Aaaand he has less health. As for mobility, yes demo is faster, but soldier has the ability to make less damaging jumps. So basically what made demo balanced was his ability to do more damage than the soldier. And to be honest, without the demo to pressure the enemy pocket, 6s will turn in to a soldiers playing feild. There is no burst damage to counter the tank, so to speak. And to all of you talking about sticky spam being easy. If you main soldier, its about time that you realize your own hypocrazy. Scout main here btw, and i really loved the 6s meta. Nows its being broken down into a blubbering pile of shit.




Quoted from konr

To be honest it was completely retarded to nerf the stickies in this way. We could get used to it of course but I don’t think it’ll be a better game because of it. It’s funny reading the opinions of some of these people that have never played above div 4 saying that people need to get good and used the 4 pipes they’re given to deal damage on a push. It’s almost as if they don’t know people can dodge pipes pretty easily and that 400ish potential damage from direct pipes really is not that much.


This whole update is a giant 2 fingers to the competitive community. valve clearly dont care about us and just want to make tf2 the most casual thing since peggle.

i can stomach overpowered stupid new weapons and silly cosmetics. cosmetics are not necessary and weapons can be banned out by the community. but if you are going to change a core weapon on a class that has functioned this way for 6 FUCKING YEARS so that it can no longer be played in the same way… its beyond me. i have no idea what those clowns are playing at :c.

so at this stage we have to mod this out, right? i mean clearly valve are never going to even acknowledge we exist never mind endorse us. so why not?

Sofa King

Quoted from Aylonwee

This whole update is a giant 2 fingers to the competitive community. valve clearly dont care about us and just want to make tf2 the most casual thing since peggle.

i can stomach overpowered stupid new weapons and silly cosmetics. cosmetics are not necessary and weapons can be banned out by the community. but if you are going to change a core weapon on a class that has functioned this way for 6 FUCKING YEARS so that it can no longer be played in the same way… its beyond me. i have no idea what those clowns are playing at :c.

so at this stage we have to mod this out, right? i mean clearly valve are never going to even acknowledge we exist never mind endorse us. so why not?

The etf2l admins had already stated that there will not be any kind of cvar modification, bringing back the old dmg, on any server used to play officials in any future seasons ever.

It’s basicly because it’s against etf2l’s rules, and it will seperate the competitive community from the new players seeking to start playing competitive.



Last edited by Svennebanan,



It’s basicly because it’s against etf2l’s rules, and it will seperate the competitive community from the new players seeking to start playing competitive.

by seperating the community it’s supposed to be ETF2L and UGC as UGC is giving the plugin a try



UGC are barely relevant.


Quoted from fraac

UGC are barely relevant.




Fully Charged plz ty



UGC are are not using any plugins to revert the changes either.


Please add Dynamite.

I want to play demo the way it was envisioned 10 years ago,thanks!

Last edited by STJ,

Quantum Plumber


I don’t personally mind TF2 changing or demoman getting nerfed per se, but the way they’ve done it doesn’t make sense even with TF2 cartoon logic. Bombs doing more damage to dudes a period of time after they’ve been deployed? Yet they always do the same damage to the demoman who deplyed them. Eh? The Minigun change makes just as little sense.
Also, making such fundamental changes to the game just before some of the biggest competitive TF2 events of the year says a lot about how much Valve cares about this community, though I guess we didn’t really need confirmation on that.

Has anyone played any proper, non-lobby/pickup highlander with this? Is it possible to push against a well set up engi any more?

Last edited by Quantum Plumber,


I played a scrim last night. It didn’t play out much differently from before, although to be fair on offence we had our fair share of spy plays on the engie nest, which made things a bit easier. Direct hit soldier is as good as it used to be, too.

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