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Highlander Players - Would you join a cup with no cash prize?

Created 20th May 2014 @ 14:05

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It’s not as though they award us anything playing at any level in UGC, although some prize, if not in cash, does make it more worth people’s time.



Quoted from Scissors


I guess it’s more the idea that we actually win something. Like I said, I really doubt I can get all 8 guys to play highlander for an entire day just for fun. Although I can see why it seems stupid to you :)

Wouldnt be all day, itd be 3 maps. You’d do this on sat, then you’d play up to 4 maps on the Sunday depending on how far you get in Knockouts.

Cheers for the responses guys, I’ll take it all in.



I’d play just for the experience

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