Permzilla on Fully Charged! Europe - 24/04/14 @ 23:00CEST
Created 22nd April 2014 @ 14:04
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Quoted from ondkaja
Why wasn’t Gravelpit re-added instead of turbine?
How do you see ETF2L in five years time? Is it still as populated? Does highlander overcome 6v6 in becoming the most popular format? Does Valve staff finally get over themselves and starts recognizing TF2 as a solid competitive discipline?
Last edited by Clark,
Quoted from ondkaja
Why wasn’t Gravelpit re-added instead of turbine?
What made you change your thought process regarding unlocks from “only allow items in ETF2L 6v6 that add a new dimension to the metagame such as the kritzkrieg, gunboats and boston basher” to “Allow a lot of weapons, apart from the ones which really break the metagame” which I think is more or less implied by the season 18 unlocks.
Personally I think only very few of these unlocks add more depth to the game.
Last edited by BenBazinga,
why the fuck is neon annihilator in unlocks?
have u and silleh fucked yet
do you still only poo once a week?
Quoted from Setlet
How to make pickup2 popular again? I’ve been adding to it for 1,5 months and I missed the only day they were played.
Ask Permzilla why Setlet killed mpuk2, not a single played because he has been in the topic
How did you come to be so photogenic?
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