Should viaduct be allowed on TF2Pickup?
Created 2nd March 2014 @ 23:01
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I’m asking this question instead of Lamqta, so guys what do you think about viaduct.
Do you think it should be in the map pool of pickup?
Permasnipers would obviously be reported and banned, and those people permasnipe on other maps too, so permasniping isnt a valid agrument to remove it from the map pool.
I think it should, it’s in the official s17 map pool.
It’s not the same as practising it in a pcw but it still can be good practise
Quoted from Kaneco
it’s in the official s17 map pool.
You mean s18?
Edit: oh wait…
Last edited by navitsu,
No point allowing it if you’re going to ban a viable offclass. If you’re going to practice Via, by association you should be practicing vs. Snipers there, as they’ll come up almost every time.
Quoted from Cuttlefish
No point allowing it if you’re going to ban a viable offclass. If you’re going to practice Via, by association you should be practicing vs. Snipers there, as they’ll come up almost every time.
yep, alot of teams run perma snipers in viaduct.
Quoted from Phnx
yep, alot of teams run perma snipers in viaduct.
Then just let them snipe, why not?
It’s easy to push through the weakened flank and jump a roamer on the sniper
Quoted from Phnx
yep, alot of teams run perma snipers in viaduct.
I dont see that is a problem
Last edited by Leif,
We had it in the map-pool before the re-make.
People were complaining quite a lot as far as i remember so we removed it.
Maybe I’ll make a general mapvote, where everybody can vote for the maps in the mappool or so. Will see when i got time
Quoted from Max
Why’s there always someone bitching about perma-offclasses?
This aint hl
Quoted from Leif
I dont see that is a problem
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