
TF2 closes everytime after a lobby

Created 23rd January 2014 @ 16:56

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This happened to me on tf2lobby, and happens on tf2center. I join a lobby, play it, and when it ends, either I disconnect or wait for the server to shutdown, my tf2 closes. This is really annoying as I don’t exactly have the fastest computer ever, and loading up the game every single time before playing a lobby is frustrating. Anyone know anything that could cause this?

All I have on my tf2 is the highframes config and the “pop it don’t drop it” MTM taunt, which is not even loaded on lobbies due to sv_pure. The crash never happens on any other server.

Spike Himself


Same process to go through as everyone else who experiences seemingly random crashes; what happens if you play 100% vanilla? (ie no custom configs, addons, huds, etc)

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