TF2 earned $139m in 2013
Created 23rd January 2014 @ 00:06
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Quoted from Tuto
No way, how can Nexon games earn so much money? It’s the most greedy fucking company ever, how can people still support it…
Because MapleStory got it off the ground for them originally and soooo many people play that game to sit there doing nothing, with loads of NX items with their e-girlfriends and shit.
Quoted from konr
their e-girlfriends and shit.
My sister and her husband (married a year ago) found eachother through maplestory! :D
Quoted from kzr_
because Valve is a shit developer company. They only care about $$$, so they develop a game until it’s maximal profit point and then they move to the next thing. They did it to cs 1.6, css, Half-life, TF2 and next will be dota2 and cs:go. If they cared about the people that gave them that $139M they would listen more to the community and do better things.
By the way, they had some good updates this past year, like the two cities update. When they do it good, we gotta praise them.
Why do you think or feel you deserve any money? The competitive community doesn’t earn Valve any money, and the game wasn’t made in the form of 6’s or highlander.
“If they cared about the people that gave them that $139M they would listen more to the community and do better things.” – you are mixing the whole TF2 community and the competitive community. The competitive environment doesn’t make any money for Valve, and if competitive players buy things from the store or MvM ETC it is as part of the whole TF2 community, it has nothing to do with playing 6’s/highlander.
Valve do give back to the community, they make a shit ton of updates with all sorts of new things throughout the year, just because these new things don’t cater to you doesn’t mean you can disregard it.
In other words, everybody in this thread is bitching about Valve not putting any money into competitive, with some thinking that it is deserved/a right.
It is not deserved because 6’s/highlander doesn’t make valve any money.
Even if you don’t think it is deserved, to complain about Valve not caring about eSports or something is dumb because Valve never made TF2 with the intent of some competitive format and it isn’t in their vision for the game. (as opposed to Dota for example, where the format is the same as the competitive format).
This is like if some map making community would say Valve doesn’t care about TF2 because they don’t make any map making competition with prizes. (Not the best example but I’m sure it makes the point)
“Valve is a shit developer company. They only care about $$$” – money is probably the biggest factor for most company’s. However it probably isn’t the only factor for Valve.
Everybody here is bitching in a circle-jerk because the game format they play doesn’t get any money.
I’d love to hear a different perspective from somebody that actually still plays TF2/competitive and has more to say than “fuck valve they want money don’t care about their players blah blah”
It’s not even true; Valve has done quite a lot to cater to the competitive scene. TF2 at launch didn’t have mp_tournament, just to throw in one random example.
Quoted from Spike Himself
It’s not even true; Valve has done quite a lot to cater to the competitive scene. TF2 at launch didn’t have mp_tournament, just to throw in one random example.
valve have thrown us a bone now and then, but literally all they throw is a no meat, tiny, brittle bone. they’ve never given us something big, but like someone mentioned, they have no obligation to do so. we’ve been lucky to get what we have gotten, but we all really do want something bigger
Quoted from Trath
I don’t agree. I think websites like,, the twitch channels, youtube movies, ESEA, VanillaTF2 etc, provide alot of free advertising for the TF2 community. Like all competitive games usually the competitive scene is the motor that keeps the game running in the background. I don’t think TF2 would’ve been this big, without the support of all of us.
Quoted from Andee
I don’t agree. I think websites like,, the twitch channels, youtube movies, ESEA, VanillaTF2 etc, provide alot of free advertising for the TF2 community. Like all competitive games usually the competitive scene is the motor that keeps the game running in the background. I don’t think TF2 would’ve been this big, without the support of all of us.
I think you have delusions of grandeur. If the comp TF2 scene suddenly died, TF2 would be exactly as big as it is now. We are merely a drop in the ocean.
Quoted from Spike Himself
It’s not even true; Valve has done quite a lot to cater to the competitive scene. TF2 at launch didn’t have mp_tournament, just to throw in one random example.
What isn’t true?
I didn’t know about that mp_tournament wasn’t initially in the game, that is interesting.
I don’t think I said Valve has never done anything for the competitive scene (the in-game medals came to my mind), I said that the competitive format isn’t the way the game was meant to be played by its creators, and Valve have never said anything to imply that it is now. (I think I remember for i46 that some guy at Valve said something to the effect that TF2 is meant for the public servers, quick join and play game)
Quoted from Andee
I don’t agree. I think websites like,, the twitch channels, youtube movies, ESEA, VanillaTF2 etc, provide alot of free advertising for the TF2 community. Like all competitive games usually the competitive scene is the motor that keeps the game running in the background. I don’t think TF2 would’ve been this big, without the support of all of us.
Neither me nor you know of any actual numbers for how many new players TF2 has from competitive hubs or vice-versa.
However I think the more logical guess is actually the other way around, that more people have joined the competitive community from TF2 than people that joined TF2 from some competitive hub. Twitch.TV might be an exception to that.
“Like all competitive games usually the competitive scene is the motor that keeps the game running in the background” – this is probably true for games where the competitive scene is supported by its developers. (for example I’m pretty sure CS 1.6 wasn’t made with the competitive format envisioned at first, but Valve did support it)
Regardless, see below.
“I don’t think TF2 would’ve been this big, without the support of all of us” – now you are way ahead of yourself. Are the daily competitive players even 5% of the daily TF2 players?
Last edited by Trath,
Quoted from Trath
What isn’t true?
The statement that valve doesn’t care about the competitive scene at all.
i.e. I was agreeing with you – it’s fairly ignorant to state that money is literally their only goal.
How can I get in on this sweet greedy $$$
Quoted from kzr_
because Valve is a shit developer company. They only care about $$$, so they develop a game until it’s maximal profit point and then they move to the next thing. They did it to cs 1.6, css, Half-life, TF2 and next will be dota2 and cs:go. If they cared about the people that gave them that $139M they would listen more to the community and do better things.
By the way, they had some good updates this past year, like the two cities update. When they do it good, we gotta praise them.
Valve probably is the company that cares the most about their customers atm…
Quoted from Spike Himself
The statement that valve doesn’t care about the competitive scene at all.
i.e. I was agreeing with you – it’s fairly ignorant to state that money is literally their only goal.
I think world revolves around me so I thought you were replying to me even though you didn’t quote me.
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