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Best Crosshairs for each class?

Created 23rd December 2013 @ 18:28

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I’m asking this question because I really want to get better at aiming and as all we know most of the classes are aim based.

If you don’t know how the crosshairs are called then check this site > http://clugu.com/tf2mate/ Scroll down till you see Class & weapon slot customization and clicking on the type.
Also if you’re commenting with your opinion then please also say the size of the crosshair that you prefer

Also this is my first topic in etf2l so if this topic is against the rules or something please let me know in the comments!

Thanks :)

Last edited by Anzu,



reminds me of when hawku lectured me about crosshairs; “I wouldnt use a large crosshair, cus its easier to aim ye, but with a small crosshair you get way better micro”

I still dont understand what he meant



I like the “Cross without dot” because it allows me to see through it and is very easy to aim.
Size I lile go big about 48 because bigger is more visible and helps me see, also it help predict with demo and soldier projectiles.
Color is brightest red because its also very visible and color red keeps my hormonal levels high so I can have better rection and consentration while I work my aim on my aim baised game style on all classes.
It might not work for every one but for me this is best and I got all to way to Prem Highlander so I must know what this is.



Quoted from Anzu

Also this is my first topic in etf2l so if this topic is against the rules or something please let me know in the comments!

Asking the pros what crosshairs they use is a fiercely guarded secret and highly illegal. However, between you and me, Mike uses a default size green cross.


(Legendary Ratehacks)

The best crosshair by far is the regular cross yellow/green. It will enhance your aiming by atleast 35%. Also make sure that the crosshairs size is somewhere between 26-36 to get maximum aim out of it.



no they are shit, use Cross it’s the best one, but to be honest crosshairs don’t matter that much, that’s just Placebo effect, you think that with X crosshair you will do better but you end up doing worse or same, 3 best crosshairs IMO are Cross, Dot and Default colored Yellow or Green, size 25

this is what i use

EDIT: oh yeah each class
Scout: Cross, Dot or Default
Soldier/Pyro/Demo: Default

Heavy: Default or Cross
Engie: Same as scout

Medic: Dot
Sniper: Dot
Spy: Dot or Cross

Last edited by Popcorp,


I use a regular green crosshair, along with a translucent crosshair that stretches across the entire screen, it makes it easier to see when you’re lined up vertically or horizontally, which helps in flicking

You don’t really need a crosshair to play TF2.



Quoted from nahka

You don’t really need a crosshair to play TF2.

how to land headshots with ambassador

Carlos Kaiser

Fighter pilot with the smallest dot.
It may and will look retarded, yes.



whats a crosshair


(ETF2L Donator)

You main heavy, just take a marker and poke it somewhere on the center of your screen, and you should be good to go.


Maybe use what you prefer? Some people don’t use crosshairs and they do fine

Last edited by Python,


Quoted from smziii

The best crosshair by far is the regular cross yellow/green. It will enhance your aiming by atleast 35%. Also make sure that the crosshairs size is somewhere between 26-36 to get maximum aim out of it.

I made some calculations it actually helps you by 41%. In regards of crosshair size the best would be 29 this helps you by 53%



matter of preference

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