TF2 @ Dreamhack
Created 27th November 2013 @ 19:28
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this is good thing
canfo is good man
Swedes, plz try to challenge some quake pros :DDD
Quoted from droso
vani vs DaHang: clash of the ugly nerds.
Make it happen.
Insane idea.
Make it happen.
Who will the Pro Players be?
On my way home from dh with dennia atm. Was a lot of fun, both promoting comp tf2 and exploring the rest of dh. Unfortunately we had to play on 60hz monitors, which felt like cancer at first but it was doable. Most people who challenged us were cs player I believe, trying to click fire w the pistol while hiding behind the slope on viaduct middle. There was this one quake player that went 10-20 against me but it felt like 19-20. There were some pretty good snipers too, only 5 percent or so wanted to play soldier. Three guys played demo through the entire event I think.
was a lot of fun, massive thanks to canfo, mia, lasse and the swedish star citizen promoter for organizing this, and esportunited for the sponsoring.
ps I did wreck caps in the tourney, so Im happy
Quoted from vani
On my way home from dh with dennia atm. Was a lot of fun, both promoting comp tf2 and exploring the rest of dh. Unfortunately we had to play on 60hz monitors, which felt like cancer at first but it was doable. Most people who challenged us were cs player I believe, trying to click fire w the pistol while hiding behind the slope on viaduct middle. There was this one quake player that went 10-20 against me but it felt like 19-20. There were some pretty good snipers too, only 5 percent or so wanted to play soldier. Three guys played demo through the entire event I think.
was a lot of fun, massive thanks to canfo, mia, lasse and the swedish star citizen promoter for organizing this, and esportunited for the sponsoring.
ps I did wreck caps in the tourney, so Im happy
What was the closest match, 20-10?
Cuttlefish: some cs player went 14-20 againstme in sniper v sniper. I think smirre almost lost to a huntsman player but then he started smging him.
skeej: I didnt ask, he didnt tell me. Said that he played quake
I already know I’m the best roamer in Sweden. I don’t need to prove anything.
but srsly it was awesome and i had alot of fun. Hope there will be more ppl there next time (If there’ll ever even be a next time). Big thanks to Cannon F*dder, Mia and co.
Quoted from dAGNER
I already know I’m the best roamer in Sweden. I don’t need to prove anything.
but srsly it was awesome and i had alot of fun. Hope there will be more ppl there next time (If there’ll ever even be a next time). Big thanks to Cannon F*dder, Mia and co. APPE IS ALIVE
where are the appe photos?
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