TF.TV drama insight and outreach
Created 21st November 2013 @ 21:47
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I apologize in forward if this is in the wrong section, or the wrong audience, but I’ve been trying to get some information out there and it seems as though there is at least some community overlap here.
For those of you who don’t know, last night in esea-i Classic mix^ played against 6cuties. In NA we have quite the division between the top and lower half of invite so it was fairly one-sided, but after going up 4-0, mix up began to offclass and mess around. Some people got mad about it, some people defended it, regardless of your opinion on off classing in official matches that you’re rolling, it lead to something greater.
This thread which was originally intended to talk about the match was basically used as a springboard by Platinum to make the worst argument for staying in the shitty corrupt league that ESEA is. With the NA TF2 community currently in desperate need of a new league, given the current news-headline fiascos ESEA has found itself in (with a number of law suits against them still pending), we have found ourselves torn over what to do as a community. So far the only real resolution we’ve made is that any decision that is going to be made needs to be agreed upon beforehand to keep the competitive community from fracturing in NA.
Fast forward to page 5, I made a post ( laughing at how the people primarily responsible for defending ESEA in that thread were all those that have benefited monetarily from their involvement in ESEA*.
After my following post on top of page 6 in response to Platinum, I was banned from Since then at least 4 other people have been banned for questioning why I was banned to begin with. The results of said situation can be pretty aptly summed up in these pastebins Fursona is enigma, a mix up player and the owner of the site (he’s well within his right to ban me from his site for whatever reason he wants, but doing so basically because I’ve been attempting to get people to actually commit to leaving the league is perhaps a little indicative of a conflict of interest on the hands of the guy basically responsible for keeping the NATF2 community on one forum.) Since I’ve started writing this, kill me sweetly (typically aliased as conductor) has lost his admin on TF.TV which he gained by being the writer for ESEA’s im division power rankings. As well as the continued deletion of any posts inquiring about bans or why posts are being deleted.
I’ve been attempting to get the message out to people anyway I could since obviously I can longer attempt to persuade people to leave ESEA on which is why I’ve written this big ole’ nerd essay.
I’d like to forward any thanks to anyone who shows any compassion, or people that have stepped in in my place to demonstrate to the community why ESEA is a parasite that we need to tear off.
*For those of you who do not pay much attention to NATF2, ESEA hosts a lan at the end of the season for invite play-offs, for the past 6 seasons the grand finals have pretty much always boiled down to platinum’s team vs. b4nny’s team. Despite previous discontentment with LAN, we’ve always clung to the league because it has been the only source of legitimate competition since CEVO’s original death. Most people don’t care about the prize for winning ESEA since lower divisons (other than the newly added main) get paid chicken scratch, but given such a small community you probably already assumed (correctly) that we play for the sake of being the best in our division. That being said, recently it has become tradition for the community to donate money to our teams in interest in sending them to Dallas, as otherwise a number of people wouldn’t be able to go since they would lose money on travel expenses. Unfortunately, because plat/b4nny’s team has always crushed the bottom 2 teams, this has devolved more or less into the community gives the 3rd and 4th place teams money to go smoke weed in Dallas with their friends (Side note: nothing against this, but it is a tad malicious to have it on the community dollar, though I am understanding that the only reason the community has to send money is because ESEA is a pile of shit).
Last edited by Juunee, forums are filled with man-child nerds with a toxic attitude who suck the dicks of invite players like its a medicine they cannot live without
zzz didnt read xDDD
Time for ETF2L to expand to NA.
tl;dr version:
ESEA is a shitty league and he got banned for saying it
People’s first response might be “who’s this guy, and why is he whining so much?”, but imagine if on etf2l someone got banned just cause an admin felt like it… It would cause the most stinky shitstorm ever.
As for the ESEA thing, I don’t think you need to convince anyone. I didn’t follow everything in detail, but as far as i can see the general consensus seems to be that leaving ESEA would be better? The only exceptions to this school of thought are some top invite players, who arguably have some valid reasons. But those reasons are overshadowed by the obvious reasons to drop ESEA asap. If those people really like TF2, they will stick around, no matter which league will be the main one.
oh this week, it has been such a delight…
I hope I don’t get banned for simply stating my opinion without insulting anyone, if that happens I’ll make a forum over at even if that means I’ll talk to myself.
Well Permzilla said that etf2l will be running a NA division next season?
All you need to do is just play that instead of ESEA.
Last edited by HoneyBadger,
Quoted from HoneyBadger
Well Permzilla said that etf2l will be running a NA division next season?
All you need to do is just play that instead of ESEA.
why would you remove enigma he does a shitload for tf2 in NA and with the launch of he pretty much connected tf2 around the world
Enigma is a bell-end. You don’t need to remove him, he’s actively removing himself.
Quoted from HoneyBadger
Well Permzilla said that etf2l will be running a NA division next season?
All you need to do is just play that instead of ESEA.
will EU and NA Prem be separated? if yes, where you guys going to get money for 2 Prem Divisions? ofc if there’s even going to be a Prem div for NA or not
Quoted from smziii
why would you remove enigma he does a shitload for tf2 in NA and with the launch of he pretty much connected tf2 around the world
Well, he bans people simply because their opinion doesn’t fit his. But yeah, he’s done a lot and “removing” him would probably do more harm than good.
It’s just a reference to that Twitch admin drama.
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