WARs demoman blog.
Created 19th November 2013 @ 23:37
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So I have started a shitty little blog to post some general shit about the demoman class.
First post is up, if I haven’t gone in to enough depth or the content isn’t detailed enough tell me. (ignore the grammar)
This is guided to people that are new to demoman, but I’m hoping to go in to further detail later on.
Last edited by WARHURYEAH,
can you have a rollout section for funkadelic please thank you in advance
Quoted from Permzilla
can you have a rollout section for kaidus please thank you in advance
Quoted from Permzilla
can you have a rollout section for funkadelic please thank you in advance
Fail roll out, die, blame droso.
I’ve never heard of pretending to put a trap up by shooting pipes but that’s a really interesting strategy, one thing I’d add to the discussion on traps is a lot of low level demoman don’t know when to give up their trap and begin shooting stickies again, I guess there isn’t a lot that you can say about that other than to play the game and realise when you should and shouldn’t keep a trap but I thought I’d add it.
Quoted from Permzilla
can you have a rollout section for funkadelic please thank you in advance
i think you mean numlocked
I’d like to see you discuss about “obvious” area denial stickies. From watching you play (and playing you when you merced for Superstars) you seemed to favour by far this hidden sticky trap approach to go for a chance of a kill rather than the carpet approach to slow down the opponents’ advance or block off entrances.
Quoted from WARHURYEAH
Fail roll out, die, blame droso.
he is having some problems with the ‘dying bit’ because he never actually goes near enough to the enemy to do any damage
the blame droso bit is a standard though
Quoted from WARHURYEAH
Fail roll out, die, blame droso.
Quoted from Permzilla
he is having some problems with the ‘dying bit’ because he never actually goes near enough to the enemy to do any damage
the blame droso bit is a standard though
Second post is up which I’m looking at badlands middle:
I’ve gone for something different and is more team orientated situation but from a demoman POV, again if you have any suggestions or if you have something you’d like me to write about, let me know.
And if anyone wants to do any proof reading (as I’m slightly retarded) do get in contact :D
New post on positioning:
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