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Which GSP do you recommend?

Created 25th September 2013 @ 18:49

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Quoted from Spike Himself


Me neither, I don’t get where all these assumptions come from..

I’m sorry if anything I said offended you, that wasn’t my intention.


I don’t see anyone in this thread claiming that they could do “better” (which is very subjective anyway). Why the aggression?

You implied that you could personally do it cheaper and still make a profit, if you’ve forgotten what you just wrote :P

Spike Himself


Quoted from konr

[…]You implied that you could personally do it cheaper and still make a profit, if you’ve forgotten what you just wrote :P

Which is true.. Your point being?

Spike Himself


Right, I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding here.

None of what I said was intended to be demeaning or offensive towards Hiperz. In fact I very much appreciate how evcz comes here and shares his story with us, and explains why stuff is the way it is. I completely understand that he is running a business with employees to pay and that this costs the customer money.

When I wrote “No silly performance kit bs (what does that even mean??) or pay-per-slot silliness” – it was not meant as a dig towards Hiperz. Reading back (and given the circumstances), I understand why it has come across as such, but I promise, that’s not what I meant. Pretty much every GSP has options like these, so if it was an attack at all, it was a very general one, towards any GSP out there.

evcz’s responses have so far nullified nearly any and every criticism that was brought forward in this thread. He didn’t have to do that. For as far as I’m concerned he made himself and his company look a thousand times better by doing so. If more companies did this, the internet would have a lot less angry nerds! :P

As for my imaginary GSP; it wouldn’t be “better”, if by “better” you assume stuff like customer support, no limitations on addons, etc.

I only stated that I could do it cheaper (and I stand by that).

No, it won’t have customer support and have staff online 24/7 to assist you with whatever it is you need assistance with, it won’t come with a neat and functional control panel, and it won’t sustain heavy ddos attacks. If you require those things, then yes, you have to pay for them (as clearly explained by evcz).

Indeed, I do not have the extensive experience that the folks behind hiperz have, but I do know how SRCDS ticks, how RT kernels are a thing of the past (been there and done that, actually!), and I do know that in the 3 years I’ve hosted and maintained TC’s match servers, I’ve received very few complaints and very many compliments.
From this I have learned that that teams exist that do not need a control panel, do not need 24/7 support and do not need FTP access.

Anyway, my sincere apologies to evcz for anything that might’ve come across as offensive. I honestly didn’t intend it so.
I’m not here to compete with you (I don’t even actually run a GSP – it was just a random blurb!)



I think hiperz has very reasonable prices, even if you take the performance kit, 24/7 online thing and multilocation option. It’s 19 euros a month if you take quarterly billing. If someone has a bad ping to one location you can quickly switch it up with the multilocation option.


Im thinking about a tragic server, heard they are cheap and good, any thoughts?



2 years satisfied Hiperz customer here. Not the cheapest, but great quality of service, especially when I can join the support in a matter of seconds during a game night.

Only complaint I could have would be towards european network providers, preventing us evil frenchies to play on some german or nl servers at random times. Meaning we’ll then sometimes have to deal with people who’ll go batshit crazy if we propose to play on a server in the same country than where we live (without even giving it a fair try). But I digress.

TL;DR: satisfied Hiperz customer here.



Quoted from kustom3

2 years satisfied Hiperz customer here. Not the cheapest, but great quality of service, especially when I can join the support in a matter of seconds during a game night.

Only complaint I could have would be towards european network providers, preventing us evil frenchies to play on some german or nl servers at random times. Meaning we’ll then sometimes have to deal with people who’ll go batshit crazy if we propose to play on a server in the same country than where we live (without even giving it a fair try). But I digress.

TL;DR: satisfied Hiperz customer here.

I agree. Hiperz customer support is top notch. Also if you own a german hiperz server, people from the UK will have a bad time, unfortunatly. Pretty much the only thing that I have to complain about.

Last edited by profix,


Quoted from kustom3

2 years satisfied Hiperz customer here. Not the cheapest, but great quality of service, especially when I can join the support in a matter of seconds during a game night.

Only complaint I could have would be towards european network providers, preventing us evil frenchies to play on some german or nl servers at random times. Meaning we’ll then sometimes have to deal with people who’ll go batshit crazy if we propose to play on a server in the same country than where we live (without even giving it a fair try). But I digress.

TL;DR: satisfied Hiperz customer here.

So much this. Hiperz server support is just amazing.



Quoted from profix


I agree. Hiperz customer support is top notch. Also if you own a german hiperz server, people from the UK will have a bad time, unfortunatly. Pretty much the only thing that I have to complain about.

I’m from the UK and a mate of mine has a German Hiperz server that runs really smooth for me. Then again he is paying a bit more of a premium with multilocation and the performance kit.

Another GSP that’s not been suggested is scum.tf and it’s quite good, it’s fairly cheap and you can pay with keys if you want members of your team to chip in. They also run pretty smoothly with no lag. One thing to remember is it’s a one man show so I guess there’s less security in the company and against ddos attacks and the like. Have no idea about location options or ftp access though.



Quoted from huhystah

So much this. Hiperz server support is just amazing.

Your opinion is baised



I love hiperz


Quoted from Limp.

Your opinion is baised

Why is that exactly? I do not care if Hiperz sponsor me. However I can share my experience with Hiperz organization as I have had few issues occured and every single issue was sorted within the same day. For example when someone started ddosing servers (and still does afaik), quite a few people reported it to Evcz and he took care of it. The next day, my server was having no issues even after getting attacked. Usually every single organization takes at least 24 hours to reply and Evcz replies asap. Having latest maps, configs is a massive bonus especially if you are a lazy person and can’t be arsed downloading FTP to install everything on your own. The panel to manage server is super simple to use and yet very effective (especially if you have no idea how rcon works, it is a massive bonus).

/rant off


Thanks for the kind comments :)

As for latency we know that it’s hard to have a good latency to all the EU countries at the same time.

Even Germany seems difficult to be “good” for everbody.
For UK we generally see better results from Netherlands, for souther countries (PT, ES and so on) we see better results from France.

We do our best to fix routing for whoever sends in a test ( https://www.hiperz.com/knowledgebase/17/Reporting-high-ping-or-latency-issues.html ) expecially for our NL location (that’s the one we can “fix” in the fastest timeframe)
I admit we generally see a low usage of that test, the more results we have, the better we can get :)

The reason we have “multilocation” available is to let people use all our locations all the time based on the best choice for both teams.


Quoted from Limp.

Your opinion is baised


I admit we are providing the DM server for free.

We do those “stunts” as that’s the best way for us to improve.
That means profiling attacks, monitoring latencies and getting people feedbacks.
We do not do that to “buy” people, but as a way to improve our “know how” :)



Quoted from hiperz-evcz

Thanks for the kind comments :)

As for latency we know that it’s hard to have a good latency to all the EU countries at the same time.

Even Germany seems difficult to be “good” for everbody.
For UK we generally see better results from Netherlands, for souther countries (PT, ES and so on) we see better results from France.

We do our best to fix routing for whoever sends in a test ( https://www.hiperz.com/knowledgebase/17/Reporting-high-ping-or-latency-issues.html ) expecially for our NL location (that’s the one we can “fix” in the fastest timeframe)
I admit we generally see a low usage of that test, the more results we have, the better we can get :)

The reason we have “multilocation” available is to let people use all our locations all the time based on the best choice for both teams.

oh yeah this is great, i started having some routing issues out of the blue so i message them, they fixrd it really fast even offered to swap the location of the server

Last edited by Mundi,

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