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Which GSP do you recommend?

Created 25th September 2013 @ 18:49

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I am looking for game server providers which are recommended by the community, preferably have a strong tf2 presence, support instalation of plugins, maps and all that stuff, and have multiple locations available and servers for test preferably.

This is not only related to comp.tf but for a personal server I want to buy as well

I know this question was posed before probably but etf2l search sucks (sorry guys, its true)


(a boT from the North)




http://www.vanillatf2.org/2013/06/article-interest-check-server-providers-comparison/ (comments!)



I would recommend you fragnet.net or simrai.com. Not because they are sponsors/partners but because they have an amazing support. The pings are also really great. Unfortunately, SR has only NL servers. Contact me @ steam if you need server to test pings ;)





Quoted from huhystah




Quoted from ash

http://www.vanillatf2.org/2013/06/article-interest-check-server-providers-comparison/ (comments!)

first 2 links are threads with 2 years old, srsly

3rd link is interesting but it seems no real discussion came out of it


Update: Just want to thank SimRai for everything ! :) I bought/dealed a server with them and it was cheap, fast, and the performance looks great! I have great ping from portugal to NL which is rare for me



Quoted from ondkaja



ye I agree, hiperz is not what it used to be


(ETF2L Donator)

I got two tragicserver servers which are great, had no problems. and tragic (guy who runs it) is a really nice, I added him on Steam and he always answers my questions.


Quoted from frixx


ye I agree, hiperz is not what it used to be


We are always looking for feedbacks in order to improve.

We provide services in multiple locations with different datacenters (actually 10 different datacenters).

Some of them works better for someone, while other works better for someone else.

Please get us any feedback you might have so we can improve :)



(Legendary Ratehacks)

niceservers rip! (fuck huhy)



Quoted from hiperz-evcz



We are always looking for feedbacks in order to improve.

We provide services in multiple locations with different datacenters (actually 10 different datacenters).

Some of them works better for someone, while other works better for someone else.

Please get us any feedback you might have so we can improve :)


Lower prices :3


Quoted from Muerte


Lower prices :3

Ehehe, well, we have a wide range of options exactly to be able to offer decent servers to fit even low budgets (specific locations like France or Germany are priced lower), and same for servers with “stop when empty” settings.
And I suppose this is also the reason why there are rare people complaining about poor quality on our services: they are probably comparing/using one of our “cheap” servers, maybe even without the “performance kit” settings enabled.

Our business plan is: deliver the best possible service at the lowest possible price while keeping the whole company profitable (paying taxes and staffers labour hours / benefits too)
We operate from a country with a very high fiscal pressure so I may undestand that being a 100% legal company here is hard, but most of other EU contries have similar tax levels (we are talking about 45 – 55% total taxes)

The lower number of tickets and complaints we see the better our servers are working.

That’s also the reason on some of our (expensive) technical choices (like giving full 100% ftp access, no symlinks or duplicated servers… you get all the servers files just for you, not shared across other users… that’s just an example)

One of my favorite quotes is:
“If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys”
sadly I learned that many times during my life… It might not be clear immediately, but in the long run it is always true :(

As for technical issues: we do everything to fix them, at any level.
So any of those can be fixed right away, we just need help pinpointing them :)

Thanks :)

Last edited by hiperz-evcz,


Hi there evcz,

Welcome to the etf2l forums, nice to see companies keeping in contact with costumers or in this case potential costumers.

I haven’t tried a hiperz server for quite some time now so in performance and latency terms I’m not sure how they are compared to other gsp’s, but what was kind of a prohibitive thing for me was really the steep price compared to other gsp’s, while I fully agree with you that being a completely legal and upfront company (not overselling, etc etc..) is a bit more costly, but still you have to keep in mind a big portion of the playerbase (and potencial costumer base) are highschoolers or college students (with the occasional grandpa here and there :D) and in general these have a much smaller income or disposable money for stuff like this so when you have to pay for something monthly the most rational thing to do in that situation would be to go for the cheaper option.

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