american+european league
Created 27th August 2013 @ 13:39
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with pings being reasonable – around 100 ping for americans playing in euro servers, and the other way around, why not try a joined league?
someone (dont remember who) told me the way it works in dota2 is 1 map (or match? idk..) in each server – 1 euro and 1 american, that could work pretty well i think… 100 ping is definitely playable – as an israeli, i know that for a fact.
that would make a bigger league, with more top teams and different play styles from different teams.
could be cool, i think…
Last edited by exeL,
100 ping is maybe possible from the east coast, but someone from LA or San Francisco will get like 200 ping on EU server
Quoted from WLAN-Kabel
100 ping is maybe possible from the east coast, but someone from LA or San Francisco will get like 200 ping on EU server
well, a league with the dudes from the east coast it is.. :D
well i think most NA teams have players from all over the country.
Quoted from exeL
with pings being reasonable – around 100 ping for americans playing in euro servers, and the other way around, why not try a joined league?
someone (dont remember who) told me the way it works in dota2 is 1 map (or match? idk..) in each server – 1 euro and 1 american, that could work pretty well i think… 100 ping is definitely playable – as an israeli, i know that for a fact.
that would make a bigger league, with more top teams and different play styles from different teams.
could be cool, i think…DISCUSS
Playing on 100 ping in a moba is very different from playing on 100 ping in a fps, especially a fast one like TF2. Tell me one fps that has leagues split over NA and EU. (you can’t) Why do you think that is?
Last edited by fishyard,
Quoted from fishyard
Playing on 100 ping in a moba is very different from playing on 100 ping in a fps, especially a fast one like TF2. Tell me one fps that has leagues split over NA and EU. (you can’t) Why do you think that is?
Look at your own Highlander league.. Its full with ‘murica teams. Nation cup, etc :)
Quoted from fishyard
Playing on 100 ping in a moba is very different from playing on 100 ping in a fps, especially a fast one like TF2. Tell me one fps that has leagues split over NA and EU. (you can’t) Why do you think that is?
well, israelis play with 80-100 ping, and that works well.. there were israelis in prem, and there are still a few in prem level at the moment. (im not counting bar cuz hes a medic and its different…)
good soldiers and demomen with 100 ping are out there – matnun, rtshock, tarkus (i guess…), and scouts aswell, but again – ping doesn’t affect them as much.
ya, it is harder with higher ping,and thats why don’t think it should replace the normal leagues, but making a bigger league could be cool…
edit: and what andee said! :D
Last edited by exeL,
Quoted from Andee
Look at your own Highlander league.. Its full with ‘murica teams. Nation cup, etc :)
Ping doesn’t matter that much in HL. And America would’ve fucked everyone in HL if htey didn’t have the ping handicap.
Quoted from exeL
well, israelis play with 80-100 ping, and that works well.. there were israelis in prem, and there are still a few in prem level at the moment. (im not counting bar cuz hes a medic and its different…)
good soldiers and demomen with 100 ping are out there – matnun, rtshock, tarkus (i guess…), and scouts aswell, but again – ping doesn’t affect them as much.
ya, it is harder with higher ping,and thats why don’t think it should replace the normal leagues, but making a bigger league could be cool…edit: and what andee said! :D
First of all Israeles do not have 100 ping (I have one on my team and he has 60-80 ping) and secondly Americans will have more than that. If they’re from the east coast they will have at least 120 ping and those from the west coast will have around 200 ping and as W-LAN said, most NA teams have people from all over the country.
Last edited by fishyard,
Quoted from fishyard
Playing on 100 ping in a moba is very different from playing on 100 ping in a fps, especially a fast one like TF2. Tell me one fps that has leagues split over NA and EU. (you can’t) Why do you think that is?
esea csgo
Quoted from quintosh
esea csgo
Are you sure CS:GO esea plays online EU vs. NA ? If so that’s my mistake.
Quoted from fishyard
Ping doesn’t matter that much in HL. And America would’ve fucked everyone in HL if htey didn’t have the ping handicap.
First of all Israeles do not have 100 ping (I have one on my team and he has 60-80 ping) and secondly Americans will have more than that. If they’re from the east coast they will have at least 120 ping and those from the west coast will have around 200 ping and as W-LAN said, most NA teams have people from all over the country.
im an israeli demoman. so ya… 80-100 ping.
i played with some americans who had around 100 ping.
and about the all over country thing, idk… just throwing the idea out there… maybe a league is too big for this, maybe just make a cup? maybe esa could try it with the one night cups..?
oh and like a year ago pings were higher… i used to play with 100-110 ping, and so did most israelis. that didn’t stop the prem dudes at the time.
Last edited by exeL,
Nothing has ever stopped European teams from signing up to ESEA NA, or American teams signing up to ETF2L. The biggest problem is the timezones rather than the pings, either way the majority won’t be able to play at the appropriate times and there won’t be enough signups.
Quoted from Permzilla
Nothing has ever stopped European teams from signing up to ESEA NA, or American teams signing up to ETF2L. The biggest problem is the timezones rather than the pings, either way the majority won’t be able to play at the appropriate times and there won’t be enough signups.
This. It’s hard enough to arrange a match with people in your own timezone. Not to mention people that are still at work/school, when you wanna play a match ;)
i dont think its feasable simply because players (espically prem/invite players) would complain too much about the ping issues. it would be interesting to see the likes of epsilon and TCm playing HRG and Mix^ consistently, insted of once every few years, but at the same time, it also makes tne cross continental lans all the more special because of its rarity.
Last edited by Aylonwee,
Quoted from Permzilla
Nothing has ever stopped European teams from signing up to ESEA NA, or American teams signing up to ETF2L. The biggest problem is the timezones rather than the pings, either way the majority won’t be able to play at the appropriate times and there won’t be enough signups.
good point. still, a one night cup might work….
Last edited by exeL,
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