ESEA in Europe
Created 13th August 2013 @ 00:17
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Quoted from EmilioEstevez
I don’t feel like the questions I’m asking are particularly unreasonable. If you can’t convince the lower level people to play (the people who pay most of the prize pot) how will it ever become sustainable? I’m just asking what the league offers to the people who aren’t winning prizes that they can’t get from etf2l.
I will tell you the 3 main reasons why UGC players tend to transfer to ESEA. I feel like this will be a more similar example to what will happen with ESEA in EU:
1. Competition: Switching to ESEA will represent an improvement in terms of competition as there are only 3 divisions (1 in EU for first season). You will get to play against every type of skill and while you might think that is a bad idea because “lol i’m gonna get stomped 5-0’d”, but it’s actually a good learning experience. You will get to compare yourself to players of all skill levels, and see what it takes to get better.
2. Server and Mumble support: By playing in ESEA, you will get a server assigned (you can choose the location of the server) and an admin will schedule the game after both teams agreed. If there is a discrepancy, you can contact an admin through IRC or by opening a ticket on their website (which I found pretty cool) and they usually fix the problem quickly. You will also get your own mumble for the season which I find nice. No need to buy a mumble server or share mumble with people who might interrupt you.
3. Prizes: I can’t stress this enough but having a prize pot is actually pretty cool. Once ESEA will add new divisions, you will have a shot at a pretty good prize pot which will definitely attract more players and therefore increase.
Ok I see many people posting about the bitcoin thing. Yes, they did run the client as a bitcoin farming machine, but now they stopped because the owner (Craig) understood what the problem was, and dealt with it accordingly. I can see why you wouldn’t trust ESEA back when the bitcoin program was revealed, but there’s no need to still hate on something that’s not broken anymore.
That’s my 2 cents, I got nothing more. I’m not trying to bait you into using ESEA (even though it might seem so), but I just want you to understand that this is a step forward for both top and low level players. This is your chance to not only better yourself, but contribute and help EU TF2 get to the next level.
Last edited by alfa,
Quoted from smziii
pls dont make the mistake we did with ESL and scare them away!
What have we done to scare them away?
Quoted from Angel
What have we done to scare them away?
I believe smzi is urging people not to scare ESEA away, not that we already have.
If the competition is recognisably better in ESEA then I think it will do well, but if teams can get similar or better competition from ETF2L then it just won’t work.
So in order for it to properly succed the teams who do play it should not play ETF2L. This applies especially to the top prem teams; if they’re not in ETF2L, the competition isn’t in ETF2L.
Bigger divisions won’t help competition if the highest level is still the same. It’s just a mountain with steeper slopes.
I’ve signed up and intend to play in ESEA and I’m fresh out of div 6 last season, this might be one of the few chances I have to play against one of the prem teams and it’ll also give me matches along my own skill level once the ratings are settled and then next season it’ll be even better.
Can someone clear up the fees for me please. As far as I ‘understand’ it each player that plays has to pay a monthly fee. Then to enter a tournament each player pays again? A one off fee or is that monthly as well?
How much will it cost a 6 man/woman team in total, to play a season?
Quoted from Monkeh
Can someone clear up the fees for me please. As far as I ‘understand’ it each player that plays has to pay a monthly fee. Then to enter a tournament each player pays again? A one off fee or is that monthly as well?
How much will it cost a 6 man/woman team in total, to play a season?
as I’ve understood to play a season you require 6 people atleast to pay league fee of 9.95$ and premium for the three months the season are running for varying amounts but between 6.95$ down to 5.85$ for 12 months if you pay for a year, most likely your gonna end up paying 6.65$x3 cause thats the price for three months per person.
so you’ll roughly pay 30$ per person for a season.
Hmm i’m all up for supporting ESEA. I’m interested in how this will turn out. With ESEA involved this could bring in more attention to the TF2 scene in Europe. More casting, more viewers, perhaps MGO’s. I’m just curious how ETF2L and ESEA seasons will be divided. Can you compete in both ETF2L and ESEA? I know my team prolly won’t compete in ESEA because of the fees, but I sure would like to play in it :-)
At least now we will have a step between server/mumble sponsorship and lan-sponsorship ;)
$30 per person for a season, and you’re gonna play 32 officials + playoffs if you reach them. That’s under a dollar per match.
Well shit son. I went and promised to pay for my team a page or two back. Bugger. 120 quid to play tf2 against epsi or free against scrubs who still beat us here.
I haven’t read all the 9 pages, but I read 4.
I’m not a regular poster so feel free to dismiss me as needed, however in terms of the added benefits I will add in one. If ESEA go down the route of making it a “Global League” think of how insomnia49 will look in a weeks time, and then think of it being a regular occurence in ESEA.
You will be able to see some of EUs best and brightest against some of NA’s finest on a regular basis at LAN finals? Would that not be an added bonus to the community and show that TF2 can stand on it’s own in the eSports scene?
Just throwing it out there considering how well Season 13 of CSGO Global finals went with an All Star match, and so on. This weekend is Season 14 LAN Finals and whilst only Ninjas are present this weekend, we get to see the best of each region go up against each other.
Quoted from Monkeh
Well shit son. I went and promised to pay for my team a page or two back. Bugger. 120 quid to play tf2 against epsi or free against scrubs who still beat us here.
You’ll only get wrecked for a few games! Plus, in a season or two you’ll be only playing against teams that are your level. But I wouldn’t recommend paying for your whole team :D
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