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Comp.tf - A competitive tf2 wiki

Created 1st July 2013 @ 00:30

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This wiki was amazing when you updated the i49 results constantly. I hope people continue to do that for i52 aswell!


Quoted from Setlet

This wiki was amazing when you updated the i49 results constantly. I hope people continue to do that for i52 aswell!

This is certainly my biggest objective with the project this summer, only a little problem in that I’m not sure I will be available during i52, or if I’ll be on holidays (with no internet). Whatever way it is, I’ll make sure to gather a small team to cover it during the weekend in my absence. I want it to go even better than last year.


Hope you all enjoyed i52.

Here are some stats from that weekend. We beat the record for concurrent viewers, I only have this screen atm, but we reached way over 200 during the weekend.

Our insomnia page was a success, sincere thank you to all of you who helped and contributed during the weekend, special thanks to Atlas for porting over the new sleek interactive brackets from liquipedia over to our wiki, they really do look amazing.

Insomnia series, as well as other lans are arguably the most exciting period for this project, we average somewhere around 300-400 visits a day and you can see the difference to the huge peaks around both insomnias and also some other smaller lans.

That page quickly reached the top 3 most viewed pages on the wiki in under a week. Comparing to last years’ insomnia our site saw around a 20-30% increase in traffic during the same weekend, while that might not mean much since the site was on its early stages last year, it certainly shows tf2 is not dying. We peaked a little over 8k visits on saturday alone which is a record for us.

Thanks everyone. Hope you enjoyed the lan and found the wiki useful to keep up with all the awesome games going around. much <3


Dr. med.

The i52 wiki page was more concise and easier to browse than the internal clanforge overview, so thank you :)


This project is 2 years old today, as last year, here’s a little infographic with some stats and comparison to last year.


We recently moved to a new home thanks to evlgaming.com and our donators and we now have all the resources we need to improve and grow even more.

Expect some news on the project soon™

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