granary for metalworks
Created 13th June 2013 @ 23:19
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Anyone remember a map called cp_labor? It used to be quite popular in pugs around 4 years ago, don’t know why it never made it into etf2l map pool.
Quoted from Clark
Anyone remember a map called cp_labor? It used to be quite popular in pugs around 4 years ago, don’t know why it never made it into etf2l map pool.
yeah it was bad
Quoted from numlocked
TLDR Numlocked ruleset too harsh on defenders
It’s already on a different ruleset (stopwatch) so is this easy to ‘fix’? (Making the CP’s work as in koth_duck)
Quoted from MIndYe
This thread is so full of AIDS it almost killed me. Retarded shit everywhere.
Replace Gran with Gravelpit, enjoy.
Unless someone make a new version of Granary (not granary pro) that opens up chokes point and shorten the map to make it faster.
Quoted from Leif
Replace Gran with Gravelpit, enjoy.
Yes, Yes!
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