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ESAGamer Launch

Created 6th June 2013 @ 20:18

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Quoted from WLAN-Kabel

well…..is there an overview of what teams are signed up? it seems to be bugged on the page.

I mean, what´s the point in signing up with a div 4/5 team when all the others are like div 1/2

posts like these really annoy me…
why the hell would you not want to play against better teams? Don’t you want to get better? You have 2 choices either play and maybe loose in the first round (or go on to win a few games who knows) or don’t play and miss out on something potentially very good for the TF2 community. This whole attitude “I can’t be assed to play because I might lose” is terrible

Last edited by lexs,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from lexs

posts like these really annoy me…
why the hell would you not want to play against better teams? Don’t you want to get better? You have 2 choices either play and maybe loose in the first round (or go on to win a few games who knows) or don’t play and miss out on something potentially very good for the TF2 community. This whole attitude “I can’t be assed to play because I might lose” is terrible



for example. :-) (well now they are division1, but at this point it was just a div3 ? team)

everything is possible in cups… thats the good thing!



What’s the point of signing up to anything? You could lose in your own skill pool. The score margins will just be lower (probably)… Never know until you try.



I remember playing in one of these cups in my Div 5 team and we faced a Div 2 team and won – http://etf2l.org/matches/23729/

You never know, 9/10 you’ll get beaten and you’ll lose badly but there is always that small chance you can do something special as a team, winning that game still goes down as my best moment playing ETF2L.

Ironically enough Josh was mercing for that game, like he merced for Reverto against Pokemon so if you wanna cause an upset just get Josh to merc.


Just sign up to support euro TF2. We got this opportunity, so use it and don’t whine afterwards that our community is shit, dead and we have no cups.

Spike Himself


Quoted from huhystah

Just sign up to support euro TF2. We got this opportunity, so use it and don’t whine afterwards that our community is shit, dead and we have no cups.



(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Hildreth

just get Josh to merc.



I’m available if any team need a demo !



Quoted from .kr4tos




for example. :-) (well now they are division1, but at this point it was just a div3 ? team)

everything is possible in cups… thats the good thing!

ok german community hates me now xD
well there is a difference in playing against a div 3 team or against epsilon/ CC^^
but still, gonna try to convince my mates into playing^^

Last edited by WLAN-Kabel,



I’m available to play if a team is a player short.

Scout div 4.

I don’t mind creating a team either in case people are interested in creating a div 4 mix team. Add me on steam if you’re interested.



Quoted from WLAN-Kabel


ok german community hates me now xD
well there is a difference in playing against a div 3 team or against epsilon/ CC^^
but still, is this bug gonna fixed?

There is no difference for a team like mine, Furbo Pandas in Div 1 going against Epsilon or CC, we’re going to likely lose 5-0 but how else are we going to improve if we don’t face the best? Personally I always relish the opportunity to play the better teams and see what they do that I dont.


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from WLAN-Kabel


ok german community hates me now xD
well there is a difference in playing against a div 3 team or against epsilon/ CC^^
but still, gonna try to convince my mates into playing^^

i guess you didnt understand this at all?
reverto was div3 team and pokemon team played in prem there. and reverto won this



Quoted from WLAN-Kabel

ok german community hates me now xD




Please double check, if you have 6 players in your roster (your team should be in this list in that case) and that all your players have a correct Steam ID entered in their profile.

Check in starts in 40 minutes from now and will close at 12.00 CEST after which the brackets will be generated.



Check in now please https://esagamer.com/tournaments/11 !

Last edited by CanFo,

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