Valve to develop in-game competitive lobby system?
Created 4th June 2013 @ 04:22
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This is a VALVE Lobby, like Valve/Quick play servers. They aren’t meant for the seasoned 6s player.
Compare a pub to 6s? Impossible, completely different game.
A pub to HL? It has 1 of every class but you play any map, it’s pretty similar and that makes it easy to transition to.
Valve didn’t say “WE HATE 6S NEVER DOING IT FOR YOU” They said they don’t want to implement it as a first step. You’re taking pubbers who have pretty much 0 knowledge and putting them into 6s? Good luck finding people who can even rocket jump. Also no communication? 6s on TF2Lobby suck because of that.
With Highlander you can ease into it, you don’t need people communicating to do their job, just that one guy who says, look ,you’re doing it wrong, sit here and be patient when he sees somebody running off into the enemy on his lonesome. It also doesn’t exclude the many, many players who play Spy, Sniper, Pyro, Engy and Heavy.
It is a great step forward and if it takes off and it works, I imagine they will then think about to see if it is possible but I guarentee you it would be worse to play than 6s in tf2lobby.
Quoted from Muuki
[…]I won’t ban it, the shitters will ban it
A few might.
Don’t forget – the reasons ETF2L ban weapons is community feedback. It is because experience has taught which items should and shouldn’t be in the game.
Valve is going to be receiving exactly such feedback with their system.
The end result? I doubt it’ll be much different. You are very much overreacting.
Quoted from Spike Himself
A few might.
Don’t forget – the reasons ETF2L ban weapons is community feedback. It is because experience has taught which items should and shouldn’t be in the game.
Valve is going to be receiving exactly such feedback with their system.The end result? I doubt it’ll be much different. You are very much overreacting.
The amount of players who play in ETF2L and give feedback is marginal compared to people who will click the matchmaking button in the main menu and click the weapon they dislike to play against in pubs
I might be overreacting but does it matter? The possibility of one of my favorite “hobbies” becoming far less enjoyable is there and I don’t want it to.
Again, I’d like to repeat: Have you ever read the SPUF or UGC Forums? I’d recommend reading some of the wrangler threads there especially
Last edited by Muuki,
Quoted from Muuki
The amount of players who play in ETF2L and give feedback is marginal compared to people who will click the matchmaking button in the main menu and click the weapon they dislike to play against in pubs
I might be overreacting but does it matter? The possibility of one of my favorite “hobbies” becoming far less enjoyable is there and I don’t want it to.
And that is exactly why we should support (and thus maybe influence) this system as much as we can :)
And yes, I do read SPUF sometimes for amusement. Not every single TF2 player goes there. Just a few loud and opinionated ones do.
Quoted from Muuki
Sure, call it elitism
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Quoted from Muuki
The amount of players who play in ETF2L and give feedback is marginal compared to people who will click the matchmaking button in the main menu and click the weapon they dislike to play against in pubs
If 1 person dislikes a weapon and bans it, nothing happens.
If everyone dislikes a weapon and bans it, something will happen because its obviously broken.
Quoted from Muuki
The amount of players who play in ETF2L and give feedback is marginal compared to people who will click the matchmaking button in the main menu and click the weapon they dislike to play against in pubs
I might be overreacting but does it matter? The possibility of one of my favorite “hobbies” becoming far less enjoyable is there and I don’t want it to.
Again, I’d like to repeat: Have you ever read the SPUF or UGC Forums? I’d recommend reading some of the wrangler threads there especially
finally no more rocket gardening
gj valve
Robin does make a good point, Valve are a business and hence want to make money, as we’ve already discussed there is very little money in 6v6 currently because we ban all unlock for this “Chess” style of play.
Valve are essentially saying if we didnt play the chess game it may become profitable for them to help 6v6 out, so maybe we could y’know start unlocking more items?
There are loads of items that are banned for as far as im aware no real reason at all for exmaple:
– Direct Hit
– Shortstop
– Equalizer (maybe i can see a point here, it is a little unbalanced still but no more then the escape plan)
– Buff Banner
– Degreaser
– Scottish Resistance
– The vaccinator
There are of course loads more unlocks that fall into a grey area about why there are banned. And maybe some of the ones ive listed are banned for a reason, if thats the case i’d be delighted for anyone to prove me wrong :)
and with that, this thread is now another unlock thread
I doubt anyone here would use a 6v6 lobby system built by valve that would probably be worse (skill wise) than tf2lobby.
Highlander is the right direction to aim in for Valve and to be honest for us as well, I mean I actually like the idea of jumping into a highlander game instead of joining a random badwater pub from the server browser.
And who knows later on it might evolve into a 6s system once Valve know what they’re doing. But with tf2pickup and pickup.con-gaming recently emerging and growing bigger and better I don’t see any need for a built in 6s system.
Quoted from Fallen
There are loads of items that are banned for as far as im aware no real reason at all
If only we had documented why exactly in the past we had banned certain weapons. History wouldn’t have to repeat itself now that newer players (including but not limited to Fallen) come along, unaware of what happened and why.
Anyway, yeah, let’s not turn this into an unlocks thread… We already have a good 150 of those.
Quoted from Enef
don’t care, sal’s post made me cringe.
Maybe, hadn’t you been so short-sighted, you too could see how this is a good thing! Even if Robin had said “no fuck off” to everything Sal & co. proposed – they still had a chat about competitive TF2. That in itself is progress already. More than that came out of it though, so I honestly don’t understand how you can be so negative about this..
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Quoted from taro
…I don’t see any need for a built in 6s system.
Huh? The need is to grow the scene. How many players that hadn’t even heard of competitive TF2 would see a new option on their in game menu and click it and have a go?
Quoted from Fallen
Robin does make a good point, Valve are a business and hence want to make money, as we’ve already discussed there is very little money in 6v6 currently because we ban all unlock for this “Chess” style of play.
Valve are essentially saying if we didnt play the chess game it may become profitable for them to help 6v6 out, so maybe we could y’know start unlocking more items?
There are loads of items that are banned for as far as im aware no real reason at all for exmaple:
– Direct Hit
– Shortstop
– Equalizer (maybe i can see a point here, it is a little unbalanced still but no more then the escape plan)
– Buff Banner
– Degreaser
– Scottish Resistance
– The vaccinatorThere are of course loads more unlocks that fall into a grey area about why there are banned. And maybe some of the ones ive listed are banned for a reason, if thats the case i’d be delighted for anyone to prove me wrong :)
direct hit – if you get real good at it, its pretty much impossible to do anything (airshots are way too easy, scouts die from 1 direct close rocket)
shortstop – reaload 4 shots at once
equalizer – i actually think it could be okay
buff banner – would be nice imo, opens new tactics and shit like that
degreaser – 2fast
scottish resistance – idk, might work, not too sure about it
the vaccinator – wtf is it?
Quoted from Spike Himself
let’s not turn this into an unlocks thread
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